Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 2 (155) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.155.2.007
UDC: 378.14
BBC: 74.489
S. V. Kraineva ORCID
Docent, Associate Professor, Associate professor of Department of information, mathematical and natural science disciplines, South Ural Institute of Management and Economics
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O. R. Shefer ORCID
Docent, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor at the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
S. A. Rogozin ORCID
Senior lecturer at the Department of Informatics, Information technologies and Methods of Teaching Informatics, South Ural South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article substantiates the effectiveness of the methodology for implementing intersubject connections of physics and electrical engineering in the training of bachelors of the dpecialty at the Institute of railway transport in the conditions of the paradigm of changing the Federal state educational standard of higher education from 3+ to 3++.

Materials and methods. Analysis of the composition of the working programs of disciplines "Physics" and "Electrical engineering"", bachelor study Institute of communications, and methods of realization of intersubject connections, depending on the time of the study subjects, the willingness of teachers to the organization of the development of both disciplines by undergraduate students of specialty  in terms of interdisciplinary relations of supervision over educational process, questioning, methods of mathematical statistics.

Results. This article describes the results of introduction of the elective course "with electricity on "you" in the educational process for bachelors of specialty who study in the Institute of railway transport. This course allows the bachelors of specialty to achieve the planned results in the development of general “Physics” and professional “electrical engineering” disciplines more successfully in the conditions of  Interdisciplinary connections.

Discussion. We have developed a methodology for implementing the Interdisciplinary connections of physics and electrical engineering in the context of a competence approach based on the theoretical justification of using the Interdisciplinary connections of professional and general educational disciplines.

The efficiency coefficient of the proposed method is equal to the ratio of the already achieved level of the experimental group of bachelors of specialty is similar to the level of the control group of students:

ŋ=〖ДУ〗_э/〖ДУ〗_к =1,1899.

Conclusion. Using of methods for implementing the Interdisciplinary connections of physic and electrical engineering contributes to improve the quality of learning of knowledge and skills in physics and electrical engineering for bachelors of specialty of the Institute of railway transport in the context of a competence — based approach.


Interdisciplinary connections; Physics; Electrical engineering; Competence — based approach; An elective course; Students of specialty; Specialty training direction “Land transport equipment and technologies”


We consider the theoretical aspects of using of Interdisciplinary connections of professional and general educational disciplines in the context of a competence – based approach;

We described the method of organizing an elective course with electricity on the basis of which the project activity of students of specialty is based which is carried out in the conditions of Interdisciplinary connections of physics and electrical engineering;

We have analyzed the results of a pedagogical experiment on the introduction of an intersubject elective course called «With electricity on «you»» in the educational process of the Institute of railway transport in the context of a competence – based approach.


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