Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2019 № 1 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.86.89.005
UDC: 378.937:796(07)
BBC: 74.480.26:74.267.5
T. A. Mikhailova ORCID
Associate professor of the department of theory and techniques of physical culture and sport of the Higher school of physical culture and sport, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article considers the activity of students in the course of students’ practice where the leading factor is integration of theoretical and practical components of vocational training of the bachelor. In vocational training of future teacher of physical culture the most various factors work and interact. Among the factors assuming the directed formation of the identity of the teacher, an important role is played by student teaching which represents one of stages of its vocational training. Purpose of the article is to develop and to scientifically prove the practice-focused actions of future physical education teacher in the course of student teaching.

Materials and methods. Theoretical: theoretical analysis of scientific and methodical literature, programs of student teaching, diaries of probationers, reports, characteristics. Empirical: observations, questioning, conversation, analysis.

Results. Solving a problem of allocation of an activity compo-nent of the student in the course of student teaching, in a research definition of the concept “vocational training of future teacherof phy-


sical culture in the course of student teaching” determined by us as process of assimilation by students of organizing, design and research knowledge is formulated, the skills of the teacher on physical culture providing formation of individual style of its professional activity definition of the concept “professional readiness of future teacher of physical culture” which is understood as the integrative professionally significant quality of the expert representing set of organizing, design and research knowledge, skills of the teacher on physical culture is concretized.

Discussion. It is considered, and it is not unreasonable that students at practical training are ready to carry out sports and improving and sports and mass work. And all their practice-focused actions mean the choice of means of physical training: with educational and informative orientation; with the educational training orientation and educational and training orientation.

Conclusion. Process of passing of student teaching gives the chance to see and realize everything that happens in real school. And at real school it is necessary to be stress-resistant and to be able to solve a number of problems at the same time. In other words, the practice-focused actions of students have to provide differentiated and individual approach to pupils taking into account physical development, the state of health, motive readiness and gender signs. Therefore, respect for the principles has to be the basis for planning of the program of practice in logic of its stage-by-stage complication from a course to a course: from known to the unknown, from simple to difficult.


student teaching, vocational training, the practice-focused actions of probationers, activity


The program of student teaching to which the educational and methodical grant on the organization and holding sports festivals at school by students is applied during practical training is developed;


The efficiency of the practice-focused actions of future tea-cher of physical culture in the course of student teaching is defined;

Methodical recommendations to students are developed for improvement of style and methods of the management of children during student teaching.


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