Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 3 (156) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.156.3.012
UDC: 81-139
BBC: 81.2
A. V. Sviridova ORCID
Docent, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
E. YU. Nikitina ORCID
Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department of Russian language and literature and methods of teaching Russian language and literature, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. This article examines the concept of "creolized text" in two aspects - linguistic and methodological. Creolized text is the most important means of compression of the verbal text, a concentrate of information that activates the recipient's perception, attention and memory; at the same time, it is a stimulus for generating a speech utterance. The creolized text is characterized as an effective means of teaching, information transfer, it is universal, since it is applicable as a didactic tool in teaching almost all disciplines. When forming verbal behavior in a foreign language, otherwise in the process of building bilingual skills, creolized text is used when applying the technology of intersubject connections and can represent the codes of the cultures of the languages being studied.

Materials and methods. The material for the publication was curricula and textbooks for primary schools, linguistic and cultological dictionaries and encyclopedias, a list of a set of competencies that students, future primary school teachers, and the Federal State Educational Standard should have. The main research methods were the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, descriptive and distributive.

Results. The implementation of the technology of interdisciplinary connections assumes that students have theoretical competence in the disciplines of the humanitarian cycle, communication and search skills, the formation of the professional and personal qualities of a teacher, possession of linguocultural competence.

Discussion. The formation of intersubject connections among students of primary and preschool education is one of the main tasks of training future teachers, laying down the basic knowledge, skills and abilities of older preschoolers and younger students, associated with the development of categories of a foreign language and their use in speech. The future teacher should have the theoretical knowledge that the main means of structuring interdisciplinary relationships, without a doubt, are working with text and a text composed of sentences of strictly defined models, belonging mainly to the artistic style and popular science subtyle. The main types of speech, mastered by pupils of preschool institutions and students in primary school, are description and narration. The student should know that these types of speech are implemented by means of different functional styles and different genres. So, for example, you can invite children to analyze or independently compose a description of a toy, ornament, room, landscape, still life, weather, natural object, living creature, labor process, etc. When developing bilingual skills, it is necessary to take into account the level of speech development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in their native language, as well as the level of natural bilingualism. At the same time, a student entering practice, as well as a young teacher, must have an understanding that the speech activity of children in the native and foreign languages of school and preschool age must be accompanied by other types of activity, figurative and motor, for example. The most active means of forming intersubject connections are the texts produced in the lessons of the native language, Russian language, foreign language, literary reading, the world around and technology. In the last two lessons, students master, perhaps without being aware of the process itself, such types of speech as description and reasoning, the latter being the most difficult, specific vocabulary that names tools, materials, actions with them. The operational nature of the thinking of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren makes it possible to form a speech skill in a foreign language, an understanding of statements in a foreign language without an intermediary language.

A student entering practice should remember the genre specificity of texts on the world and technology and strive to show primary school students and children of preschool institutions the need to possess an instructive description of any process of making an object with their own hands, for example, embroidery, beading, modeling, painting, and a story on a specific topic, close and accessible to the child's understanding and his level of bilingualism: “My family”, “How I help my mother”, “Who will I be when I grow up”, “My favorite holiday”, “My favorite season”, “ Who lives at my house ”,“ What I want to learn ”, etc. The teacher should prepare the child for a coherent story in two languages about what he sees, what he does or what he will do in the lesson.

A future teacher who selects didactic material for his lesson or lesson should know the psychological characteristics of the perception of a younger student or preschooler. For example, a teacher who sets the goal of acquainting children with folk art in manual labor in such a way that they can describe the specifics of an object, a process, should take into account the following: “For preschoolers, simple and clear rhythmic constructions with pronounced natural and national characteristics in outlines of elements, their color system and compositional solution. In folk ornaments, children are attracted by decorativeness, colorfulness of color, expressiveness of images, laconic interpretation of them, rhythm of alternation of various forms, colors, sizes. Based on these features, the teacher selects and systematizes visual material on folk art determines its sequence of its use in the ornamental activity of children. The great aesthetic possibilities of this activity are used in the formation of the creative, combinatory abilities of preschoolers.” [1, 207]. Here the teacher must build a connection between the two types of texts in a broad cultural sense: the text is understood not only a verbal work (the first type of text), but also films, paintings, ornaments, plastic art, music, dancing (the second type of text, non-verbal). On the whole, these two types of text create a cultural text in which interdisciplinary, or intertextual, connections function; in fact, pedagogical education in the areas of training primary school teachers and specialists in preschool development forms students' knowledge and possession of intersubject connections by virtue of the need to study a wide range of disciplines and special teaching methods for preschoolers and younger students. In the process of forming bilingualism through the technology of interdisciplinary connections, students master two cultures, there is a “appropriation” of value information during the performance of various educational activities.

Conclusion. The means of embodying the expression of intersubject connections in the process of forming bilingualism is a hybrid text using signs of a different nature. This structure increases the information content of the text, “puts” cognitive information into blocks, activates the recipient's memory, stimulates the formation of associative fields in students, linking knowledge and skills of different disciplines in different languages. When working with such texts, the student must possess the conceptual apparatus associated with the theory and classification of creolized texts, know the features of their structure, methods of presenting information, the method of working with such texts in the classroom in elementary school, the peculiarities of students' perception of the phenomenon of creolization.


Bilingualism; Theoretical competence; Professional and personal qualities of a teacher; Information and communication technologies; Intersubject communications; Creolized text; Polycode text; Hybrid text; Speech activity


The student must build a terminological paradigm that represents the content of the terms “creolized text”, “hybrid text”, “polycode text”, know their evolution, correlate these terms with the adjacent “verbal text”, “cultural text”, “iconic text”;

Students are well familiar with the above terms from the course of information and communication technologies, which discusses the rules for making presentations in different subjects, and the presentation is a hybrid text; thus, students should know the mental laws of perception of a creolized text, the type of information represented in it, the required amount of creolization, its influence on attention and memorization of new knowledge;

Polycode text is used when explaining and repeating material in the classroom for any discipline; in elementary school, texts of a popular scientific variety prevail, with which you can work on different subjects, but in different aspects (these can be texts about nature, geography, history, arts and crafts, folklore, written by masters of the artistic word and popularizers of science; often such texts are adapted and accompanied by some illustrative material);

Polycode text is a means of developing taste and style, which the student must learn when creating their own presentations - creolized texts;

The style and theme of creolization vary with respect to the number and denotative group of lexical units of a foreign language and discipline;

To create such texts, a student must have culturological competence, that is, know the sources of highly artistic and competent illustrative products, operate with knowledge of the world artistic culture and be able to adapt them for lessons in elementary school, pedagogical technology of interdisciplinary connections;

Polycode text is a means of communication of such subjects as Russian, foreign language, literary reading, social studies, rheto-ric, technology, fine arts, the foundations of religious culture and secular ethics; it should be noted that the last five disciplines named “work” on the formation of coherent speech in two languages among students and communicative competence in general.


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