Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 3 (156) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.156.3.007
UDC: 372.8
BBC: 81.411
G. S. Ivanenko ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Russian language and methods of teaching the Russian language, South-Ural State Humanities-PedagogicaL University
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Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of creating and developing methods of text interpretation using a comparative method of analysis. The purpose of the article is to determine the place of comparative analysis as a technique in the structure of the semantic and stylistic method of studying a literary text, to suggest its typology and to show the ways of its practical application in schools and universities in the study of humanitarian disciplines of philological orientation.

Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature, as well as diagnostic methods that include observation, description, conversation, questionnaires, and testing.

Results. A method of using comparative text analysis as a technique that expands the possibilities of semantic research has been developed. The results are applied in the practice of the study subjects "Linguistic text analysis", "Cultural linguistics", "Practical grammar", "Rhetoric" at the philological faculty as well as courses on preparing students to OGE and EGE on the Russian language and to the linguistic Olympics profile.

Discussion. The method of using the comparative method as a way to expand interpretive capabilities in text analysis has its own specifics depending on factors: a) the nature of the audience (age, level of philological training, proficiency in other languages); b) the aspect of consideration due to the General goals of the scientific discipline and the specific topic of the lesson; C) the chosen type of comparative method. All issues related to the typological heterogeneity of the comparison method need further discussion and development.

Conclusion. Comparison as a method of text analysis is an effective way for the interpreter to update the meanings expressed by certain language means. Comparison with similar, but not identical entities semantic, linguistic fact gets in the eyes of the researcher motivation due to a number of subjective and objective factors of text formation.


Text analysis; Comparative analysis; Perception; Understanding; Interpretation


The place and role of comparative analysis in the system of methods for studying the ideological and artistic content and aesthetics of the text is determined;

A typology of comparative analysis of the text aimed at studying the ideological and artistic content and stylistic features of works is proposed;

Shows specific ways to use the method of comparison in the practice of teaching disciplines of the philological cycle.


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