Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 6 (159) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.159.6.011
UDC: 378.18
BBC: 74.00
A. V. Savchenkov ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Training Teachers of Professional Education and Subject Methodology, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. Within the framework of this article, we describe the socio-pedagogical conditions aimed at improving the effectiveness of the system of training future teachers for educational activities.

Materials and methods. The material for the analysis was presented by various scientific sources devoted to the socio-pedagogical conditions that contribute to improving the effectiveness of training future teachers for educational activities in professional educational organizations (PEO). The analysis of scientific and methodological literature, descriptive and distributive methods used in writing this article are the main tools of analysis.

Results. Within the framework of this article, we have identified the following socio-pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the system of training future teachers for educational activities in professional educational organizations: organizational and managerial: 1) the inclusion of students in the activities of volunteer organizations and educational associations; 2) the creation of a virtual educational environment of the university; 3) the implementation of social relays in the university; organizational and methodological: 1) modeling of extreme pedagogical situations in the educational process of the university; 2) teaching students “soft-skills” competencies; 3) implementation of modern interactive (quest technologies) educational technologies in the educational process; 4) implementation of coaching technologies and mentoring in educational work. This article describes the socio-pedagogical conditions of the organizational and management group.

The inclusion of students in the activities of volunteer organizations and educational associations allows future teachers to focus on activities for the benefit of society and altruism, contributes to the formation of their independence, initiative, critical thinking, and social activity. The creation of a virtual educational environment of the university is aimed at implementing various forms of interactive educational interaction (forums, personal messages, video communication, etc.), allows integrating real and virtual educational impact on future teachers. The implementation of social relays at the university allows teachers to transmit patterns of behavior and values related to educational activities, to transmit knowledge and examples of practical educational activities.

Discussion. The developed socio-pedagogical conditions for preparing future teachers for educational activities strengthen the positive influence of various groups of external and internal factors on the system of training future teachers for this activity, thereby increasing the effectiveness of its implementation.

Conclusion. In this article, we found out that the identified and developed organizational-methodological and organizational-managerial socio-pedagogical conditions take into account not only pedagogical factors, but also the social orientation of secondary vocational education, and the social order of society. The socio-pedagogical conditions developed by us are complex, they are interrelated and mutually conditioned.


The system of training future teachers for educational activities; Professional educational organizations; Social and pedagogical conditions; virtual educational technologies


The definition of socio-pedagogical conditions for the preparation of future teachers for educational activities is given, their choice is justified;

A set of social and pedagogical conditions for preparing future teachers for educational activities in professional educational organizations is described;

The socio-pedagogical conditions of the organizational and management group were analyzed in detail.


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