Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 6 (159) Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.159.6.015
UDC: 159.928
BBC: 88:74.56, 88:74.3
N. V. Мarkina ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Management, Economics and Law, Chelyabinsk Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Educators, Chelyabinsk
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Ye. S. Pervukhina ORCID
Senior Methodologist, Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 148, Chelyabinsk
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M. Ye. Gumnitskiy ORCID
Head of Methodology Department, Microfinance Company "Bystrodengi" LLC, Chelyabinsk
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S. N. Lange ORCID
Head of the Information and Analytical Department, Education Department of the Administration of the Ozersk Urban District, Chelyabinsk
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A. S. Gumnitskaya ORCID
Leading business coach of “DNA Clinic” LLC, Chelyabinsk
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Introduction. The materials of the article reflect the study of the problems of modern education management in the context of identifying personal resources for answering the key challenges of education. The article presents the results of an empirical study of some personal characteristics that reveal the specifics of the profession genesis of education managers. The study involved executives of those educational organizations whose performance results determine their status as “schools with high educational results” or “schools with low educational results”.

Materials and methods. The empirical study used the cross-sectional method, comparative method and correlation analysis. To collect empirical data, the following were used: the questionnaire “Styles of self-regulation” by V.I. Morosanov, the questionnaire “Tolerance to Uncertainty” by S. Badner and a fragment of the management audit, which included a number of questions regarding the role position of managers.

Results. Differences were revealed in the manifestation of tolerance to novelty and complexity of uncertainty among school leaders with different educational results demonstrated by students, as well as in the relationship of tolerance to uncertainty with the role position of executives. Second, it was determined that for school leaders with low educational results, there is a relationship between the indicator of tolerance to uncertainty “complexity” and one of the indicators of self-regulation — “programming”.

Discussion. The results obtained allow us to say that the complexity and novelty of situations of uncertainty do not pose a threat to the usual management strategies and, in general, to the existing management system of school leaders with high educational results. Moreover, this is one of the aspects of the development of such schools. For school leaders with low results, the ability to program their managerial activities is the reason for avoiding the complexity of situations of uncertainty.

Conclusion. The study made it possible to prove the hypothesis that intolerance to uncertainty and the positioning of specific managerial roles determine the professional resources of managerial activity, and the manager's self-regulation determines the possibility of his effective response to a new, complex, innovative situation in education management.


Tolerance to uncertainty; Conscious self-regulation; Role position; Education management


The analysis of studies of tolerance to uncertainty and self-regulation in modern management was carried out;

Differences were revealed in the severity of tolerance to uncertainty and the role position of leaders of educational organizations with low and high educational results;

Revealed the relationship between tolerance to the complexity of an uncertain situation and the level of self-regulation among the leaders of educational organizations with low educational results.


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