Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2021 № 1 (161) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2021.161.1.009
UDC: 372.853
BBC: 74.489
T. V. Nikitina ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching Physics, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. Analysis of digital transformation processes in physical education is one of the most pressing and controversial problems facing methodological scientists. The article discusses the digital transformation of the skills to carry out measurements in the conditions of educational experimental activity of students. The role of critical thinking in the implementation of cognitive and evaluative actions in the process of conducting a physical experiment using a digital laboratory is revealed.

Materials and methods. To solve the problem posed, the analysis of regulatory documents, analytical reports is used, the data obtained by other scientists-researchers on this issue are systematized and generalized. The instrumentation of the pedagogical experiment was developed based on the classification of educational skills proposed by A. V. Usova.

Results. The author has developed and implemented a digital laboratory practice as a means of optimizing the digital transformation of the physics teaching process. The approbation of this workshop in the classroom with future physics teachers (bachelors, undergraduates) convinced of the effectiveness of the developed methodology for the formation of measuring skills based on the digital transformation of educational experimental activities.

Discussion. Based on the data of the pedagogical experiment, the effective pedagogical conditions for the digital transformation of educational experimental activity in physics at the pedagogical university include:

1) The presence in the curriculum of a laboratory workshop in physics on digital equipment;

2) Digital literacy of students;

3) Students are motivated to use the digital physics laboratory in the educational process.

The fulfillment of these conditions is ensured by a set of educational and methodological tools:

1) educational and methodological materials for a laboratory workshop, including requirements and a sample for the preparation of a report on the implementation of a physical experiment on digital equipment based on the logical analysis of experimental data;

2) a step-by-step increase in the degree of independence of students when performing laboratory work using digital equipment;

3) performance of laboratory work in accordance with generalized plans of activities (plan for conducting an experiment, observation, measurement using a digital sensor, etc.).

Conclusion. The digital transformation of educational experimental activity presupposes the need for: 1) updating the material and technical base of an educational physical experiment in order to develop digital literacy of students; 2) the formation of a set of practical skills for using a digital laboratory for conducting an educational physical experiment; 3) the development of critical thinking of trainees for the implementation of a capacious and informative report on the results of educational activities.


Digital transformation of educational experimental activity, Digital laboratory in physics, Educational physical experiment, Experimental skills, Means of digital transformation of educational physical experiment, Digital literacy of a physics teacher, Critical thinking


In the context of the digital transformation of education, the experimental training of a future physics teacher must be carried out not only for full-time education, but also for distance learning;

Systematization and classification of the means of digital transformation of an educational physical experiment, carried out in accordance with the levels of physical education (general, additional) and with the model of teaching physics (full-time, distance) contributes to building an effective program for the development of experimental skills of the future physics teacher;

Digital transformation of educational experimental activity affects the content of students' practical skills;

Critical thinking as a mental way of mastering the totality of cognitive and evaluative skills when performing an educational physical experiment, manifests itself in the mastered actions to formulate a reasoned, concise and informative conclusion.


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