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Introduction. The article raises the topic of low physical activity of students, indicates the relevance of this problem, and provides a solution to help today's youth lead an active lifestyle, thereby improving their health. The purpose of the article is to identify the level of physical fitness of students of a pedagogical university for the subsequent development of a set of measures to increase the physical activity of young people.
Materials and methods. The level of physical fitness was determined by exercises for endurance, strength, and performance. The standard types of exercises that both boys and girls are able to perform were identified: push-ups, abs, jumping rope.
Results. The results of the exercises that characterize the indicators of physical fitness of students are analyzed. The level of physical fitness is determined using the assessment tools of the discipline.
Discussion. The critically low level of physical fitness of students is emphasized, this fact negatively affects the general state of health of young people. The conditions under which students will have the opportunity to improve their physical qualities and, as a result, increase the health index are given.
Conclusion. It is concluded that the health of students directly depends on physical activity, and therefore it is necessary to urgently take measures to improve the level of physical fitness of children, develop motivation for sports, and promote a healthy lifestyle.
Pedagogical university students; Physical development; Healthy lifestyle; Physical qualities of students
Identified the problem of sedentary lifestyle of young people, lack of physical activity;
Based on the performance of a set of exercises, the level of physical fitness of students is determined;
The relationship between physical fitness and health of students is determined. The conditions and factors aimed at increasing the physical activity of young people are proposed.
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