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Introduction. This article deals with problems of forming future teachers’ interactive competence as the basis of pedagogical resilience. Teacher with pedagogical resilience can organize the educational process effectively because he is able to get out of emerging crisis situations in professional activity, using interactive skills to overcome crises quickly and to gain positive experience. The purpose of the article is to consider aspects of interactive competence’s formation as the basis for the development of pedagogical resilience and future teacher’s readiness to be included in successful pedagogical activity.
Materials and methods. The main research methods are scientific literature review on the problem of interactive competence, revealing of the advantages of interactive methods for the formation of interactive competence and pedagogical resilience, diagnostic techniques, including observation, questioning, testing, data processing methods.
Results. The significant role of interactive competence for increasing the level of pedagogical resilience is noted, without which a constructive solution to emerging crisis situations with all participants in the educational process is impossible.
Discussion. Analysis of scientific works on the problem of modern teachers’ interactive competence’s formation as the basis of pedagogical resilience confirmed high relevance, scientific novelty, psychological and pedagogical potential of declared topic.
Conclusion. The formed interactive competence allows future teachers to use the acquired knowledge, abilities and skills for the successful organization of the educational process and for getting out of crisis situations that arise in the process of professional and pedagogical activities with minimal losses. Successful overcoming of crisis situations indicates the formed pedagogical resilience.
Pedagogical resilience; Interactive competence; Interactive methods; Crisis situation; Communicative interaction
The need for the formation of future teachers’ pedagogical resilience as a guarantee of their successful professional activity is substantiated;
The relationship between interactive competence and pedagogical resilience is revealed;
Components of interactive competence are highlighted;
The efficiency of interactive methods has been analyzed both for the formation of interactive competence and for the development of pedagogical resilience.
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