Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2021 № 1 (161) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2021.161.1.001
UDC: 81:372.881
BBC: 74.200
Z. Z. Asayeva ORCID
Postgraduate of the Department of Pedagogy, Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
I. V. Muskhanova ORCID
Professor (Full), Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Director of the Institute of Philology, history and law, Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny, Chechen Republic, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
E. YU. Nikitina ORCID
Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department of Russian language and literature and methods of teaching Russian language and literature, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article analyzes the issues related to the formation of the personality of a primary school student. The author emphasizes the importance of personal development in a three-dimensional space that forms the worldview of a growing person who understands and accepts the values of human life, the family, civil society, the multinational Russian people and the world community. It is noted that it is necessary to use the potential of Chechen children's literature, which actualizes the elements of the national conceptual sphere in the minds of primary school students.

In the conditions of modern reality, it becomes important to form the worldview of a growing person who understands and accepts the values of human life, the family, civil society, the multinational Russian people and the world community. In this context, a significant condition is the implementation of the ethno-cultural component, which is expressed in the study and preservation of the foundations of folk culture, folk pedagogy. In order to introduce primary school students to the ethno-cultural space, in particular to the space of Chechen culture, it is necessary to review and make changes to the development of literary reading programs "Desharan knizhka" in the Chechen language. In our opinion, reading lessons in primary school should combine teaching reading in the Chechen language with literary development, and for this it is important to be aware of the language situation and the state of children's Chechen literature.

Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of the scientific literature devoted to the problem of the formation of the personality of a junior school student on the basis of the national conceptual sphere. Diagnostic methods, including observation, description, conversation, questionnaire survey, and testing, were also the methodological basis.

Results. The Chechen conceptosphere is a combination of traditional culture and ethno-pedagogical traditions. In primary school, when studying reading in the Chechen language "Desharan book", it is possible not only to develop students ' reading skills, but also to introduce them to the space of their native Chechen culture. A person who develops in the space of his native culture acquires a basic property — communicative competence, which consists of communicative abilities, knowledge, skills, skills, experience in all spheres of communication. The conceptosphere of children's literature consists of concepts that compensate for gaps in the process of forming communicative competence. Concepts have a serious didactic potential, providing means for communication: images, epithets, plots, models of speech situations, and an emotional component. In the context of the theory of the dialogue of cultures, concepts act as a link connecting the past and the future and transmitting the knowledge accumulated by previous generations. Thus, concepts are characterized by the ability to accumulate informational, emotional, rational, socio-group, specialized types of cultural meanings.

Discussion. The national klnceptosphere should become the basis for developing education in primary school. Primary school age is sensitive to learning and development, so it is advisable to form a worldview and worldview in the lessons of the Chechen language and Chechen literature in primary school. The assimilation of aspects of the national conceptual sphere both in the classroom and in extracurricular activities contributes to the development of the personality of the three-dimensional space: Chechen culture — all-Russian culture — world civilization. Brought up on the ideas of the national concept sphere, a person is able to resist negative influences from the outside and create a space around him that allows him to develop, understand and accept both the near and far environment.

Conclusion. It is concluded that in the context of the implementation of the requirements of the federal state educational standard of primary general education, one of the most important goals of teaching literary reading in the Chechen native language is the formation of a special competence aimed both at the development of reading skills and the ability to fully perceive and receive aesthetic pleasure from reading literature of various genres in the Chechen language.


Personality; Development; Education; Conceptosphere; Culture; Ethnos; Chechen children's literature


A theoretical and methodological analysis of the problems of the formation of the personality of a primary school student on the basis of the national concept sphere is carried out;

The author's definition of the key definition of the study is given and the structural components of the national conceptual sphere are identified.


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