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Introduction. This paper is devoted to the problem of implementing the content of Russian language lessons in primary school, taking into account the conditions of distance learning. This concept is considered on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education, the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, the Approximate basic educational Program of primary general Education, as well as the analysis of the content of the methodology of teaching Russian in primary school from the point of view of distance learning.
Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of normative legal documents, the results of the survey of the All-Russian Trade Union of Education, the online publication RIA News, etc., as well as the comparison of the features of teaching at the university and primary school.
Results. . The main trends of distance learning, the features of the implementation of distance learning in primary education, the structure of the content of teaching the subject "Russian Russian" in primary school, the methodological aspects of preparing students of the pedagogical university to work on the assimilation of the content of Russian language lessons by younger schoolchildren in the context of distance learning are determined within the content of the article.
Discussion. The content of the article presents a discussion and suggestions for solving the problem of organizing the work of primary school teachers in terms of the content of language education for younger students, taking into account the organization of this work in the context of distance learning.
Conclusion. The author concludes that the content of the Russian language methodology should be transformed in connection with the changes taking place in the primary education system, as well as the modern conditions of society.
Primary school; Primary school teacher; Distance learning; Russian language; Primary school students; Language education; Students
Such concepts as "distance learning", "language education" are defined»;
Describes the main problems of distance learning in primary school;
The proposed methodological aspects of preparing students of the pedagogical university to work on the assimilation of the content of Russian language lessons by younger schoolchildren in the conditions of distance learning are presented.
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