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Introduction. This article is devoted to the problem of lexical skills’ formation in the process of teaching foreign languages. The purpose of the article is to consider the possibilities of using video materials for the lexical skills’ formation in the process of teaching German language. Authors consider the most difficult moments of lexical skills’ formation and offer various didactic solutions based on the use of video materials in the process of teaching foreign languages in higher education.
Materials and methods. The article presents the following research methods: an overview of the works of Russian and foreign researchers, as well as the concept of lexical skill, its mechanism, analysis of the traditional ways of its formation and generalization of methodological possibilities, which are given by the systematic use of didactic video materials for Foreign Languages Faculty’s students in foreign language classes.
Results. Practical experience at the Foreign Languages Faculty of the South-Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University made it possible to propose a number of recommendations for the effective use of didactic video materials in the process of teaching foreign language in higher education in order to form lexical skills. The use of video materials in the process of forming lexical skill expands not only the active vocabulary, but also replenishes the passive vocabulary, develops linguistic guess. In addition, the use of video materials allows to immerse students in the language environment, acquaint them with the realities and culture of foreign language country, and create a positive atmosphere for mastering new lexical items.
Discussion. Based on the analysis of works of Russian and foreign scientists, the article substantiates the need to use video materials for more successful formation of lexical skills in foreign language classes in higher education, as well as in order to optimize the process of foreign language teaching in general.
Conclusion. The experience of using video materials confirms that their use in the educational process of university allows, on the one hand, to form lexical skills at a higher level, and on the other hand, along with this, develops positive motivation to further foreign language study, expands the cross-cultural outlook, which indicates the efficiency of the use of video materials in the educational process.
Lexical skill; Videomaterials; Active vocabulary; Passive vocabulary; Semantisation; Activation of lexical items
Mechanism of lexical skill formation is considered, interlanguage and intralingual difficulties are revealed;
Advantages of using authentic didactic video materials in order to form lexical skills among Foreign Languages Faculty’s students are substantiated;
Positive influence of the use of authentic didactic video materials on the level of motivation of Foreign Languages Faculty’s students has been proved;
The need to use video materials and their positive impact on the formation of lexical skills are emphasized.
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