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Introduction. Currently, the problem of using historical material in order to increase patriotism and citizenship in school (and in physics lessons, in particular) is the most urgent. The analysis of the content of the federal educational standard, educational and methodological complexes in physics revealed this problem that is not developed in practical terms. The article shows the implementation of the principle of historicism in different points of view when teaching physics at school as a component of the cultural and educational activities of the teacher.
Materials and methods. The principle of historicism can be implemented by placing historical material in the main text of the textbook, which can be supplemented by performing certain tasks for knowledge of the history of physics (preparing reports on a brief biography of a scientist, his scientific school, interests, views, theoretical and practical developments, creating information products based on the use of digital technologies). The development and application of tasks on the history of science “Physics” creates the possibility of implementing the cultural and educational activities of the teacher both during the regular and after-school hours.
Results. The article analyzes various UMCS in physics for primary school (N. S. Purysheva and N. E. Vazheyevskaya; A.V. Peryshkin; L. E. Gendenstein and A. B. Kaidalov), as well as collections of problems in physics. It is concluded that the author's teams that develop educational and methodological complexes in physics for primary schools are limited only to the traditional understanding of the implementation of the historical method by describing a brief biography of the scientist, portraits of great thinkers and scientists, which is clearly not enough for the implementation of cultural and educational activities of the teacher.
Discussion. The recommendations discussed in this article on the use of the principle of historicism in school practice are based on the results of a survey of school students and students (bachelors and undergraduates) of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of SUSSPU in the 2019–2020 and 2020–2021 academic years, which served as a good basis for further analysis and use of this principle, its correction and development as a component of cultural and educational activities of teachers.
Conclusion. The main trends and current trends in the development of modern education from the point of view of the Federal State Educational Standard and the ways of their implementation based on the principle of historicism are considered, the effectiveness of applying facts from the history of physics in natural and technical classes to achieve the planned learning outcomes is shown. Based on the results of the survey, it is conclu-ded that the use of historical material in the school physics course is relevant as a component of the teacher's cultural and educational activities.
History of physics; The principle of historicism; Teaching physics; Cultural and educational activities of the teacher
The principle of historicism can be used as a method of historical research regarding science (identifying cause-and-effect relationships, patterns of development of science, the allocation of the main stages of development of physics, the segmentation task into private matters, structuring, analysis, etc.);
The appropriateness of different forms of organization of educational-cognitive activity of students with material on the history of physics in the classroom and in extracurricular activities as a component of cultural and educational activities of teachers;
The procedure for studying the opinions of students and students of a pedagogical university about the most optimal forms of presenting historical information when teaching physics in a primary school is described.
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