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Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance of monitoring dynamics of development of young pupils of primary school age with disabilities in the conditions of the general educational organization implementing inclusive education; presents a variant of monitoring dynamics of development and mastering of educational program by students with disabilities. The aim of the article is to substantiate and disclose the author's system of monitoring the dynamics of development of primary school age students with disabilities in the conditions of the general educational organization that provides inclusive education.
Materials and methods. The main methods of research are the analysis of scientific literature on the problem of organizing the monitoring of learning of children with disabilities, observation, description, method of statistical processing of information. The main methods of research are analysis of scientific literature on the topic of the study, study of the state of the problem, study of children's development history, study of their personal files and medical records. In the study we used control-measuring materials aimed at the study of individual characteristics of learning of the educational program by students, conversation, analysis and synthesis of the results.
Results. Parameters for monitoring the learning of primary school-age children with disabilities in inclusive practice have been developed. Monitoring the dynamics of development of children with disabilities in the conditions of a general school involves the use of specially designed maps of student learning in subjects to track the results of mastering the educational program.
Discussion. It is emphasized that the results of the experimental work prove the necessity of monitoring dynamics of development of primary school age students with disabilities in conditions of the general education organization carrying out inclusive practice with the use of specially designed cards on learning outcomes of students in subjects for tracking the results of assimilation of the educational program.
Conclusion. It is concluded that monitoring the development of students with disabilities in the conditions of inclusive education is an indicator of the child's mastery of planned results in the main school subjects. Monitoring helps to identify typical and individual difficulties in mastering educational material by a child with disabilities.
Students with disabilities; Control-diagnostic work; Individual achievements of students; Levels of mastering of planned results; Learning maps; Inclusive education
The system of tracking the dynamics of development and lear-
ning of children with disabilities in the conditions of an inclusive school is defined;
The methodological approaches to monitoring the dynamics of development and learning of children with disabilities in an inclusive school are described;
The results of monitoring the dynamics of development of primary school students with disabilities receiving education in mainstream schools, allowing to identify difficulties and problems in the assimilation of the educational program.
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