Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.01.02
UDC: 371.01:681.14
BBC: 74.202.44:32.973.202
N.S. Beloborodova ORCID
Academic Title of Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Education), Deputy Director on Educational Work and Social Affairs, Birsk Branch of Bashkir State University (Birsk, Russia)
E-mail: Send an e-mail
V.V. Salnikova ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Philology), Professor, Department of Philology, Birsk Branch of Bashkir State University (Birsk, Russia)
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Z.S. Akhmatjanova ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Philology, Birsk Branch of Bashkir State University (Birsk, Russia)
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Organization of work with linguistically gifted children in the system of e-learning: experimental study

Introduction. The article justifies the relevance of identifying linguistically gifted children and their development in e-learning in the context of ever changing goals and paradigms of national education; the study overviews the basic ideas suggested by modern scholars on the subject of children’s giftedness and the introduction of electronic information educational environment in school and university practices. The article aims at justifying and revealing the author’s concept of the effective organization of work with linguistically gifted children in the system of e-learning.

Materials and Methods. The main research methods involve analysis of scientific literature on the problem of children’s giftedness, informatization of education and the formation of electronic information educational environment within the framework of the “School – University” cooperation; as well as diagnostic methods, including observation, description, discussion, questioning, testing, methods of statistical data processing.

Results. The study introduced an innovative functional educational model that promotes the creation of conditions to identify, support and develop linguistically gifted children with the optimal use of the resource potential of e-learning and distance learning technologies; the authors presented characteristics of the model main components, interactive technologies, and operating practices, including the correspondent training modules; identified and described effective methods and techniques for working with linguistically gifted children in the system of information electronic educational environment.

Discussion. The study shows that the project is efficient when linguistically gifted children in their personal development correspond to the model of a graduate.

Conclusion. The authors concluded that implementing the innovative functional educational model will contribute to the formation and development of a competitive linguistically gifted ndividual responsive to a modern electronic educational environment at national and international level.



  • The study defined basic components of e-learning and distance learning technologies.
  • The authors introduced a functional educational model that promotes the creation of conditions to identify, support and develop linguistically gifted children with the optimal use of the resource potential of e-learning and distance learning technologies.
  • The research overviewed the existing practices applying to e-learning potential, including the correspondent modules.
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