Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.01.04
UDC: 378:151.8
BBC: 74.480.26:88.5
L.A. Glazyrina ORCID
Candidate of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor, Department of Technology and Psycho-Pedagogical Disciplines, South-Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University (Chelyabinsk, Russia)
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Preparing future teachers to prevention of violence in educational insitutions

Introduction. The present article considers the challenge of preparing future teachers to prevention of violence in educational institutions and the role of socio-preventive competence in the aforementioned process. The study suggests statistic data on the rise in incidents of violence in schools that actualize the necessity of solving the problem stated. The article is aimed at presenting the results of the process of developing socio-preventive competence in future teachers as a means to reduce, through prevention, the number of cases of violence in educational institutions.

Materials and Methods. The methodology of developing socio-preventive competence is based on the combination of three approaches – systemic, activity-based and competence-anthropologic. The research included a review of the scientific literature and regulations related to preparing future teachers and developing professional competences; the authors performed interpretation of statistic data on the rise in incidents of violence in educational institutions, applied the method of pedagogical modeling, observation and diagnosis of the results obtained, and the methods of generalization and distribution of experience in actual educational process of training future teachers.

Results. The theoretical results include developing a conceptual system of the research and introducing a new concept of “preparing future teachers to preventing of violence in educational institution”, as well as formulating another type of professional competence developed in future teachers – socio-preventive, and elaborating its structure and content. The practical results include the solution to the problem of preparing future teachers to prevention of violence in educational institutions; creating and testing of some learning and methodological products used to develop socio-preventive competence in future teachers.

Discussion. Based on the research conducted, the authors conclude about socio-preventive competence of future teachers being a means to prevent violence in educational institutions. Special attention is paid to discussing the results of the research made in pedagogical society, and the expert approval of the relevance and availability of the suggested approaches to the stated problem.

Conclusion. The study states the high relevance of the problem of preparing future teachers to preventing violence in educational institutions and shows positive effects of the suggested way of such preparing at a pedagogical university.



  • The study suggests the combination of systemic, activity-based and competence-anthropologic approaches that allow developing a conceptual field of the research, as well as its structure and content, applying technologies and conditions of its implementation, and selecting diagnosis tools to measure the level of socio-preventive competence in future teachers required to prevent violence in educational institutions.
  • The article introduces a concept of “preparing future teachers to preventing of violence in educational institution” as a type of professional competence of a teacher.
  • The author substantiates the efficiency of the educational program developed and its learning and methodological ware based on evaluation of the level of socio-preventive competence in future teachers.
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