Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.01.17
UDC: 482(07)
BBC: 81.411.2-9
I.S. Fazliakhmetov ORCID
Graduate Student, Department of Russian Language and Applied Sciences, Kazan (Volga) Federal University (Kazan, Russia)
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Realization of methodical views l.Z. Shakirova in the practice of teaching Russian language (results of experiment)

Introduction. The article is devoted to generalization of the results of ascertaining experiment conducted with students 3 and 4 courses of pedagogical specialties “Russian language and foreign (English) languages”, Kazan Federal University in the framework of scientific and methodological heritage of the outstanding scientist and linguistic methodologist L. Z. Shakirova. The purpose of the experiment is to determine the degree of students ‘ awareness about scientific and methodological heritage scientist of the twentieth century in the field of methodology of teaching Russian language students to the specifics of teaching Russian in non-Russian audience.

Materials and Methods. The leading research methods are observation, questioning, summarizing.

Results. The results of the experiment revealed the problematic issues that should be allocated to lectures and practical sessions in the framework of a University course of the Russian language: the implementation of the principle of considering the peculiarities of the mother tongue in teaching Russian as a foreign language, the specifics of teaching Russian language Russian, interconnected studying of Russian and native languages in schools for language education.

Discussion. The experiment showed that attention to the linguistic heritage of the outstanding scientist contributes to increase students ‘ knowledge and their ideas about the specifics of teaching Russian as a Foreign language.

Conclusion. We believe that this study contributes in the field of didactics.



– The study summarizes the results of an experiment conducted in accordance with the purposes and objectives of the study.
– The author analyzes responses, identifies gaps in students’ knowledge in the field of teaching Russian as a foreign language, in the implementation of the methodological ideas of L. Z. Shakirova in the practice of teaching Russian language.
– For the first time, the author proposes guidelines for the development of students’ methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language, in understanding scientific and methodological heritage of L. Z. Shakirova.
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