Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.01.24
UDC: 371.015:158
BBC: 88.840:88.411.9
M.N. Sharafutdinova ORCID
Vocational guidance counsellor of the Admission and Vocational Guidance Organization Department, Vyatka State University (Kirov, Russia)
E-mail: Send an e-mail
N.A. Nizovskikh ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor Doctor of Sciences (Psychology), Professor, Department of Practical Psychology, Vyatka State University (Kirov, Russia)
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Potential competitiveness of senior schoolchildren in the practice of vocational guidance diagnostics and counseling (on the example of psychological readiness for management)

Introduction. At the present time, educational establishments face the challenge of formation and development of competitive specialists. The article considers the results of the research on psychological readiness for management as a constituent part of senior pupils’ potential competitiveness.

Materials and Methods. The study presents results of the empirical study that involved the “Psychological readiness for management” test combined with other vocational guidance tests. The research involved 223 respondents (including 146 girls and 77 boys aged 14 to 18). The article suggests a diagnostic tool “Test of psychological readiness for management” aimed at measuring indicators of psychological readiness for the management in senior schoolchildren in the process of vocational orientation and advisory work.

Results. The study identifies the relation between components of psychological readiness for management and types of personality, ways of thinking, professional interests and professional readiness of senior schoolchildren which allow forecasting potential competitiveness of graduates in the labor market.

Discussion. The author states that purposeful, energetic schoolchildren who like to be the center of attention tend to be more oriented towards managing self and managing others. The test has provided data on psychological readiness for management which can help forecast the ways and the sphere in which school graduates will manifest themselves as competitive specialists.

Conclusion. Psychological readiness for management shall be considered as a constituent part of senior schoolchildren’s potential competitiveness in various professional areas.



– The vocational guidance diagnosis and advisory work for senior schoolchildren shall be done with the demands of the modern labor market taken into account.
– Consequently, the psychological readiness for management becomes one of the most important components of potential competitiveness of school graduates and is interpreted as a general inclination of a person to manage self and others.
– Finally, the psychological readiness for management test (PRM) and its modified version designed for senior schoolchildren (PRM-S) shall be applied for identifying potential competitiveness in the course of vocational guidance work.
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