Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.01.21
UDC: 151.7
BBC: 88.834.01
T.V. Zavgorodnyaya ORCID
Applicant, Department of Social Psychology and Acmeology, Oryol State University named after I. S. Turgenev (Oryol, Russia)
E-mail: Send an e-mail
The influence of child-parent relations on interaction between senior pre-school children with their peers: results of empirical research

Introduction. The relations between children and parents affect all aspects of the child’s identity including the communicative one where, in the course of interaction with parents, a certain fixation of interaction forms develops on emotional basis and they are consequently transferred to other situations, significant to a child. The article provides the results of empirical research on the influence of child-parent relations on interaction of senior pre-school children with their peers.

Materials and methods. The paper shows the content of the experiment and introduces the diagnostic tools. The data obtained in studying the influence of child-parent relations on interaction of senior pre-school children with their peers have been confirmed by methods of mathematical statistics.

Results. The research has detected children with high and average level of anxiety, and the negative strategies of interaction. The study has discovered the dependence between the level of anxiety of senior pre-school children and violations in parenting, disharmonious types of upbringing process, and negative strategies of interaction between senior pre-school children.

Discussion. The empirical research allows drawing a conclusion that violation of parental relations of the “dominating hyper patronage” type mostly influences the level of anxiety in senior pre-school children and builds negative strategies of their interaction with peers.

Conclusion. Violations of parental relations appear to be significant and affect the level of anxiety in senior pre-school children, as well as build negative strategies of their interaction with peers.



– The author has developed a model of empirical research allowing to reveal the influence of the child-parent relations on interaction of senior pre-school children with their peers.
– The research has revealed, at statistically reliable level, links between child-parent relations and interaction of senior pre-school children with their peers.
– The experiment has proved that the «dominating hyper patronage» mostly influences the level of anxiety of senior pre-school children and builds negative strategies in their interaction with peers.
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