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Introduction. The article considers the problem of developing the ability to analytically work with modern scientific texts in all types of research practice (educational, industrial, undergraduate). Foreign undergraduates studying in Russian are forced to overcome various barriers in mastering a compulsory discipline in a Russian university. The tasks and completion of the final reports that are often offered for completion are not understood not only by foreign students, but also by Russian students, as they contain a large number of scientific terms and require broad background knowledge within the framework of the research area. Purpose of the article: identify problem points in the course of research practice, describe typical mistakes, and determine ways to use different forms of work, highlight methodological approaches to the implementation of the requirements for the research work of a master student.
Materials and Methods. The material of the study was the process of formation of research skills among undergraduates, for whom Russian is not a native language. When collecting and describing the results of the analysis, descriptive-analytical, em-
pirical, statistical and diagnostic methods were used. To substantiate the conclusions, an empirical research method was used - pedagogical observation.
Results. The article presents the experience of teachers in the formation of research skills in the practice of research for undergraduates studying Russian as a foreign language at the South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, South Ural State University. The proposed form of work with undergraduates is aimed at identifying difficulties in producing their own scientific text in Russian, in critical analysis of articles, monographs, dissertations in the humanities.
Discussion. The article presents for discussion the question of the directions of work with foreign students in the classroom for the practice of research. The analysis of scientific papers on the problem of writing scientific papers by modern undergraduates confirmed the high relevance, scientific novelty and linguodidactic potential of the stated topic.
Conclusion. As a result of the study, it was proved that the consistent performance of actions with secondary scientific texts under the guidance of a teacher gradually forms the skill of producing, first, small scientific articles, oral presentations at a scientific seminar, and, as a result, an independent original scientific research in the genre of final qualifying work.
Research skill; Research practice; Methods of working with scientific text
Problematic issues were identified during the passage of research practice of all kinds with foreign citizens studying in Russia;
An analysis of the main methodological approaches to various forms of work at a scientific seminar was made;
Methodological recommendations are given on the implementation of successful assignments for the development of research thinking among masters from different countries.
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