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Introduction. The article deals with a peculiar aspect of the study of communication as a multi-level system, in which the macro level of social communication is studied by means of social advertising, and the micro level of the function of communication is studied by means that serve project activities (planning and organizing functions of speech utterances). The study is focused on the methodological principles of modeling psychological conditions that optimize the genesis of youth neoplasms in the direction of their position as productive participants in joint activities to create significant socio-cultural products.
Materials and Methods. The method of a genetic modeling experiment was used with the organization of a change in the joint activity of the psychologist with the respondents in the course of formation. Respondents were two groups of young men: with normative development and overcoming painful dependence on the use of psychoactive substances.
Results. The results obtained allow us to conclude that if specialized conditions are created at each design phase, guided by a change in the forms of joint activities of the organizer with the participants and participants among themselves, then they master both the design methods that correspond to each phase, and the means of macro- and microcommunication at its two levels — in a group and groups with recipients of social advertising.
Discussion. The results of the study make it possible to accompany the development of youth socialization based on the activation of those levels of communicative competence that remain outside the limits of everyday communication. It is important to emphasize that the principles of organizing the formation turned out to be quite effective. This allows us to conclude that under certain conditions created in the process of accompanying group interaction of participants in line with the Social Advertising project, it was possible to observe positive dynamics in both the self-organization of group members and changes in those components of communicative competence on which the productivity of participation depends.
Conclusion.Thus, this approach in the organization and maintenance of social communicative competence, readiness and ability of young people to participate in the creation of a communicative environment in the position of the authors of group projects expresses a value-semantic attitude to the ethical standards of life organization.
Project activity; Youth; Teenagers; Public service announcement; Addiction; Project; Communication; Communicative competence; Social communicative competence; Joint activity
Understanding of communicative competence as a multi-level education;
When accompanying the process of mastering the methods of joint productive activity of participants in group design, on the basis of a genetic modeling experiment, it allows creating specialized conditions guided by a change in the forms of joint activity;
The created conditions ensured the transition to higher levels of communicative competence in groups with different levels of readiness for joint productive activity;
Specific neoplasms were identified at the phase of expert evaluation of public service announcement samples, at the development phase of the concept of the public service announcement, at the phase of the implementation of the concept of the public service announcement;
Additional conditions necessary to ensure the dynamics of neoplasms in groups of young men overcoming drug addiction were identified.
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