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Introduction. The relevance of the work is due to the need of society for highly qualified specialists with critical thinking, high communication, cooperation and creativity. The formation of these qualities is possible through the use of modern teaching methods and technologies. This article discusses the concept, essence and component composition of STEM education, as well as the possibilities of its introduction into the educational system of Russia.
Materials and methods. When working on the article, such research methods as the analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists who study STEM education, as well as the systematization of the data obtained, were used. In the course of the study, we came to the conclusion that, despite the popularity of STEM education in developed countries, there is currently no single definition of this concept. Studying foreign experience in the training of technical specialists, domestic scientists such as V.N. Chemekov, D.A. Krylov, T.V. Sibgatullina and others came to the conclusion that STEM education allows us to establish the relationship between science, mathematics, engineering and technology, developing students' analytical thinking, problem-solving abilities and scientific competencies.
Results. As a result of the work carried out, the idea of the essence of STEM education as a learning model using knowledge in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics, necessary for the formation of a general idea of the processes of the surrounding world, contributing to the formation of competencies of the 21st century, is generalized and supplemented. The components of STEM education are highlighted. STEM education is a combination of knowledge from such fields as natural sciences (science), technology (technology), engineering (engineering) and mathematics (mathematics). The content of the components of STEM education is determined, which consists of the integration of the above-mentioned disciplines, while each of the areas is able to form certain competencies.
Discussion. STEM education is a little-studied area and does not have a clear definition in the scientific circles of foreign and domestic scientists, and therefore is not popular in the educational sphere of our country. Despite this, there are all prospects for its implementation. In addition, the process of introducing STEM education into the activities of educational institutions can be faster if teachers can determine its form depending on educational goals.
Conclusion. Each component of STEM in the form of science, technology, engineering and mathematics is able to form students not only a certain level of knowledge, but also certain skills and abilities. The possibility of introducing STEM education into educational activities can contribute to improving the level of training of students and the qualitative formation of their necessary competencies through the proper use of components that make up the structure of STEM education.
Education; STEM education; Science; Technology; Engineering; Mathematics; XXIst century skills; “4K” competencies
The analysis of scientific and pedagogical sources, the study of the experience of the introduction of STEM education at different levels of education in Russia and abroad;
The essence of STEM education and its component composition are revealed;
The prospects for the introduction of STEM education at different levels of education are outlined: from preschool to higher education.
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