Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.11
UDC: 378.147:519(07)
BBC: 74.480.2:22186р30
T.Yu. Krukovskaya ORCID
Candidate of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor at the Department of Higher Mathematics, Omsk State Railway Engineering University, Omsk, Russia
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Students’ analitic and synthetic activities in the process of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements

Introduction. The paper substantiates the necessity of applying basic logical operations as aspects of mental activities to the context of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements. The emphasized normative character of technical knowledge and labor leads to the standardization of the process of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements. The paper also presents psychological and pedagogical foundations of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements as part of polytechnic training.

Materials and Methods. The research is based on theoretical analysis of the following: basic logical operations as aspects of the mental activity, the approach to teaching mathematical modeling and the use of IT solutions in teaching, individual methods of teaching mathematical modeling as part of technical education.

Results. The paper defines the criterion score system in assessing basic logical operations as parts of students’ mental activity. The components of the criterion score system are described. The research also presents the observations of a group of students whose specialty is «Standardization and Metrology». The observations are followed by the analysis of students’ indices of their analytic and synthetic activities as learners in the context of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements.

Discussion. The hypothesis about structuring cognitive processes and the influence of cognitive logic on students’ analytic and synthetic activities in the process of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements unraveled various means and instruments of performing specifically targeted educational activities. The opportunities of the further research are mentioned: psychological and pedagogic bases of transferring mathematical knowledge and modus operandi to exploring technological systems and the elements of the latter with the use of IT solutions require further scientific attention.

Conclusion. The results of the research confirm that development of students’ analytic and synthetic activities becomes possible due to the combination of the following conditions: structural and logical sequence of actions in studying natural science subjects, existence of the detailed inventory of professional orientation competencies, developed criterion score system in assessing basic logical operations as parts of students’ mental activity and their readiness to perceive the complexity of the subject under study. The analysis showed that, on the one hand, there are no strict boundaries between specific knowledge procedures. On the other hand, the use of certain theoretical and practical standards develop students’ idea of the complexity of the content area of the subject.


professional orientation competence, mathematical modeling, technical knowledge, normative technical knowledge, basic operations as aspect of mental activity, knowledge as cognition of reality, logical methods of analysis and synthesis of knowledge

  • Psychological and pedagogical bases of developing students’ analytical and synthetic educational activities are defined in the context of mathematical modeling of technological systems and their elements.
  • Specific properties of technological systems and their elements, which have a significant impact on the knowledge and procedural focus of students’ analytical and synthetic educational activities in the context of mathematical modeling, are presented.
  • Structure and the elements of the criteria-based assessment system are described in the paper.


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