Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.12
UDC: 374:371.011
BBC: 77-5:74.200.51
N.V. Molchanova ORCID
Candidate of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor at the Department of Social and Cultural Activities, Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture, Volgograd, Russia
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The role of regional cultural institutions in spiritual and moral upbringing of the younger generation

Introduction. The article deals with pedagogical and socio-cultural activities of cultural and leisure institutions, which optimize the educational process and are aimed at developing spiritual and moral consciousness among the coming generation nowadays.

Materials and methods. The research is based on results of work of the scientific and methodological center of the Volgograd region. Foreign and domestic scientists’ scientific and works and the experience of socio-cultural and educational activities in the field of spiritual and moral education are analyzed and generalized in the paper.

Results. It is revealed that it is necessary to use the tools of social and cultural activities in the complex of spiritual and moral education.

Discussion. Many events in various forms have been held in every cultural institution in Volgograd region. The largest of them was the Cossack song Festival “Glory, glory, Cossacks!”. The participants of the festival included many folk song ensembles and choirs, Cossack song ensembles, individual performers, orchestras and folk instrument ensembles, dance troupes, coming from the thirteen municipal entities of the Volgograd region.

Conclusion. Sociocultural activity provides an opportunity to create conditions in a free and casual way for harmonious development of a child’s personality. The mentioned activities provide instruments for developing an individual’s spiritual and moral culture and help him/her become familiar with the cultural heritage. Generally speaking, any sociocultural activity transforms a person’s social experience, his/her creative activity and his/her emotional and value-based relationships into the developed personality.


spiritual and moral education, personal culture, social and cultural activity, cultural and recreational institutions, region, use of resources, teenagers, youth

  • The paper presents and describes the regional cultural institutions’ field of concern in the area of spiritual and moral education.
  • The paper reveals the specific character of the multi-ethnic culture of the Volgograd region and the problems of developing spiritual and moral culture among the coming generation.
  • The authors provide recommendations for young people’s spiritual and moral education generation based on the activities of regional cultural institutions.
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