Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.08
UDC: 373.6:33(07)
BBC: 74.47:65р21
T.S. Kamaeva ORCID
Dean of the Secondary Vocational Education Faculty, an affiliated branch of Orsk Institute of Humanities and Engineering at Orenburg State University, Orsk, Russia
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Developing future middle-ranking economists’ skills of mastering methods and tools of handling economic information

Introduction. The paper proves the topicality of the process of mastering the criteria of the information-analytical competence of a middle-ranking economist - managing methods and tools for handling economic information effectively. It presents an overview of the modern researchers’ main trends concerning developing future economists’ professionally significant and mostly required qualities. The purpose of the article is to present the author’s approach to developing a middle-ranking economist’s information-analytical competence based on analyzing the components of the structural-functional model of its developing using the example of the mentioned criteria.

Materials and Methods. The main methods used in the paper include: analyzing research literature on the problem mentioned above (developing the professional competence among students at an economic faculty and information-analytical competence of future economists), determining the set of methods and tools for handling economic information, which students can use in their professional activity, various diagnostic methods (questioning, testing, methods of data visualization). The most effective means, forms and methods of managing students’ educational and professional activities, aimed at developing the latters’ skills of handling economic information, are described in the paper. The paper also presents correlation between the specific tools and the stages/levels of development of the mentioned skills.

Results. The study introduces the results of the educational experiment aimed at mastering future middle-ranking economists’ methods and tools of economic information handling skills.

Discussion. The study describes the qualitative change in the indicator values in the experimental group, which demonstrates the efficiency of application of the offered means, forms and methods of organizing students’ educational and professional activities in secondary professional education for mastering the required skills of handling economic information.

Conclusion. The authors conclude that the implementation of the structural-functional model of developing the information-analytical competence is both necessary and effective for future middle-level economists.


amethod, a tool, economic information, a middle-ranking economist, information-analytical competence, structural-functional model of development

  • The paper defines a set of methods and tools for mastering future economist’s skills for handling economic information.
  • The research describes the results of applying the structural-functional model of developing the information-analytical competence. The mentioned model specifies the stages of its implementation, the use of tools, forms and methods of organizing students’ educational and professional activities in order to form the future middle-level economist’s information-analytical competence.
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