Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.06
UDC: 378.14
BBC: 74.480.05
T.A. Grigorieva ORCID
Postgraduate Student at the Department of Pedagogics, Belgorod State National Research Institute, Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
V.N. Kormakova ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Education), Professor at the Department of Pedagogics, Belgorod State National Research Institute, Belgorod, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Key aspects of pedagogical support of the process of defining students’ moral and legal identities

Introduction. The paper considers the problem of students’ moral and legal self-determination. Defining the future customs affairs specialists’ identity is proved urgent by the authors. The most essential characteristics, as well as the specifics of the students’ moral and legal identity, as well as peculiarities of their developing due to the organized pedagogical support in the conditions of the university are described.

The paper is aimed at studying the main directions of developing the students’ (future specialists in customs affairs) moral and legal identities.

Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature on the mentioned problem and the analysis of documents defining the objectives of the comprehensive pedagogical support program.

 Results. The program of pedagogical support for determining students’ moral and legal identities was developed in the conditions of the university, taking into account the competence approach requirements in the educational process. The program includes a description of specific types of activities and activities carried out in the main lines of pedagogical support in the educational and upbringing process. The goals, objectives of the program, as well as the necessary conditions for its implementation, with the focus on the selected competencies and specific results in developing the components of the process of defining students’ moral and legal identities, are revealed.

Discussion. The authors emphasize that the achievement of planned results in developing students’ moral and legal identity depends on an integrated and systematic approach to its organization. The pedagogic support ought to be based on the principles of student government and on introducing innovative technologies of psychological and pedagogical support.

Conclusion. The paper concludes that the pedagogical support program for defining students’ moral and legal identity must be based on the deep theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of “identity”. Furthermore, the specific features of identity components, the FSES (Federal State Education Standards) requirements and other documents regulating aspects of future customs specialists’ moral and legal behavior must be taken into account.


identity, self-determination, moral and legal identity, customs business, competence, pedagogical support, professional activity

  • The paper reveals the essential characteristics of the concept of “identity”, its components, its structure and the conditions for developing students’ (future specialists in customs) moral and legal identities.
  • The authors present their interpretation of the concept “legal and moral identity” based on the analysis of theoretical sources.
  • The main lines of pedagogical support for the process of defining students’ moral and legal identities and the reasons for its effectiveness have been justified in the research.
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