Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.02.23
UDC: 151.8:613.4
BBC: 88.37:51.204
S.A. Kuptsova ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Education), Associate Professor at the Department of Theories and Principles of Physical Education, Institute of Recurrent Pedagogical Education, Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Psychic self-regulation as one of health culture components

Introduction. The article substantiates the urgency of defining and developing the categoric concepts of health, health protection, health culture and psychic self-regulation in the modern society. Nowadays the demand for healthy, high-qualified specialists makes the problem of preserving and strengthening modern students’ health especially acute.

Current studies in the fields of psychology, medicine and pedagogy demonstrate that the social and economic situation, the decline in living standards and environmental problems adversely affect the health of the entire population, and, in particular, young people’s health.

The main reasons are the relatively low culture of healthy lifestyle, irresponsible attitude to one’s health and to the health of the others, low material support of educational and health care institutions. In addition, the researchers note that at all levels of the youth’s education there is no necessary training for the healthy lifestyle. Very little attention is paid to developing the skills of psychic self-regulation, self-evolution. While developing the problem of the health culture, the researchers have to reveal the ways and the possible means of its development. One of the health culture components is psychic self-regulation.

Materials and methods. The main research method is analysis of scientific literature devoted to developing self-regulation skills as a component of health culture in the modern society.

As main approaches to solving the problem under investigation, we single out the personalized active approach, the person-oriented approach to learning, the concept of health saving and the ideas for developing students’ healthy lifestyle.

Results. The paper presents an innovative system of developing the of psychic self-regulation skills. The mentioned system describes the methods and stages of psychic self-regulation skills development, as well as suggests specific activities.

Discussion. The suggested activities for developing students’ psychic self-regulation can be managed in the higher education system. The process includes the following stages: psychodiagnostics, psycho-prevention, and psycho-regulation. The program of such activities is developed by the authors on the basis of the students’ mental conditioning goals and their individual characteristics.

Conclusion. The implementation of the described innovative system in the modern education environment contributes to developing not only students’ self-regulation skills, but also their skills for efficient communication and to creating the favorable psychological atmosphere in their team. Such measures are ultimately going to contribute to establishing health culture in education system and in society.


psychology, health, culture, psychic self-regulation, higher education

  • The paper defines the areas of focus for developing students’ psychic self-regulation in the modern education environment.
  • The authors offer their unique system for developing students’ psychic self-regulation, which facilitates creating favorable conditions for efficient communication, productive psychological atmosphere and for establishing health culture among the youth.
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