№ 3
The analysis of professional and educational standards in the aspect of forming the business competences in the university environment
Barsukova D.F., 9-15 -
Young teacher’s structural analysis of the problem space in professional activity (on the example of Altai krai)
Veretennikova L.A., Shamarina Е.V., 15-29 -
Preschool children’s emotional-communicative development in musical activity
Volchegorskaya E.Yu., Gladkova E.A., 30-37 -
Сriteria-level professional and aesthetic characteristics of future fine arts teachers’ readiness
Volchegorskaya E.Yu., Ordasheva M.Zh., 37-45 -
Pedagogical tools of forming the digital culture of future teacher
Gnatyshina E.V., 46-54 -
Non — traditional methods of irrational equations decisions
Isakova M.M., Tlupova R.G., Erzhibova F.A., Ibragim A.S., 54-62 -
Tutoring as a tool for forming the professional competence of future teachers of a foreign language
Kalugina E.V., Kusarbaev R.I., Matuszak A.F., Pavlova O.Yu., 62-70 -
Interacnive methods usage in training students for professional practice
Kasatkina N.S., Nemudraya E.Y., Tsiulina M.V., Shkitina N.S., 71-80 -
Usage of information and communication technologies in practice of preschool educational organizations
Kirienko S.D., Mikerina A.S., 80-89 -
Information technologies in professional pedagogical education
Kudinov I.V., 89-101 -
Monitoring of russian-language educational internet resources related to study and teach-ing of russian language
Kudinova G.F., Kapisheva T.Yu., Popova E.V., Kurbangaleeva G.M., 102-113 -
Distance e-learning courses for use in educational process at universities
Leontyeva I.А., Rebrina F.G., 114-124 -
Future english teachers training to conduct extracurricular work in the subject
Pavlova O.Yu., Kalugina E.V., Kusarbaev R.I., Matuszak A.F., 124-133 -
The development of cognitive interest at senior schoolchildren of non – humanitatian pro-file in teaching – learning the textual activity in learning english
Protasova N.V., 134-144 -
Ecosynergism as a fundamental principle for integrating ecological and economic types of education
Salamatov A.A., 144-154 -
Semantic and activity content of the master’s program “pedagogical education” on the ex-ample of educational profile “mathematical education”
Semenova I.N., Slepukhin A.V., Erentraut E.N., 154-163 -
Model of forming the readiness of future teachers to tutoring
Tsilitsky V.S., 163-170 -
Possibilities of volunteers’ semantic representation personal quality: experience of empirical study
Bokova O.A., Melnikova Yu.A., 171-180 -
Peculiarities of higher educational stage of monitoring practical-oriented competences of the teacher-psychologist
Vardanyan Y.V., Vdovina N.A., Kondratyeva N.P., Fadeeva O.V., 181-191 -
Structural-level organization of mental representations of motivation in ordinary con-sciousness
Vtyurina T.A., Levchenko E.V., 192-202 -
Management of young schoolchildren’s self-regulation process
Dolgova V.I., Kryzhanovskaya N.V., Kudryakova K.V., 203-211 -
Students’ actualization of personal values as the condition of their moral and patriotic upbringing
Pomuran N.N., Khirichenko E.N., 211-220 -
Factor structure of adolescents’ coping behavior
Rokitskaya Y.A., 220-233 -
Modern research choices in the context of psychology of giftedness development: classical paradigm
Markina N.V., 233-245 -
Linguistic means of manifestation of status-marked identity in complimentary utterances by the representatives of english and american linguacultures
Kurakina N.A., 246-253
Review papers