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Introduction. The present article contains a description of the relevance and significance of the problem of text comprehension as a function undergoing active restructuring and development in the process of mastering the higher education program by the subject. The current approaches and models for assessing text comprehension are presented, groups of factors for the formation of text comprehension properties according to modern concepts are highlighted, the results of an experimental study of the text comprehension properties based on the semantic structure of texts in the Dirichlet latent placement model (LDA) are shown. The purpose of the article is to reveal and substantiate the possibility of considering the development of understanding of texts as a non-linear process that undergoes changes within the framework of mastering a higher education program and to show the structure of the properties of text comprehension in higher education.
Materials and methods. The main research methods of the present article are the analysis of scientific literature on the subject of text comprehension assessment and methods of assessing the results of text comprehension after reading, evaluation of properties of text comprehension upon the Latent Dirichlet Allocation model, methods of statistical data processing.
Results. The data of a comparative study of modern methods of assessing text comprehension are presented and conclusions about the most promising methods for assessing text comprehension are drawn, supplied by an illustration of the model developed by the author for assessing text comprehension based on the semantic representations of text documents in the Latent Dirichlet Allocation space; data on the nonlinearity of the properties of text comprehension by subjects in the process of mastering higher education and a picture of the internal connections of these properties in subjects according to the stages of obtaining higher education is shown.
Discussion. The specifics of the relationship between the properties of the main cognitive functions of subjects and the results of metrics of the methodology for assessing text comprehension are clarified, intersections with modern theoretical concepts and models of the processes of forming representative structures in the process of reading are given.
Conclusion. The conclusion is made about the continuation of the development of the function of text comprehension further than the period of the formation of abstract-logical thinking, the specificity of the contribution of higher education to the formation of this process is revealed.
Text comprehension; Representation; Psychology of thinking; Reading psychology; The genesis of comprehension; Cognitive processes; Education; Cognitive-representational structures
Main approaches of text comprehension assessment are identified;
The most optimal method for solving the problem of determining the qualities of text comprehension, capable of standardizing on wide volumes of texts regardless of their subject matter and structure and able for automatization, is proposed;
The results of an experimental study of the expression and internal relationships of metrics of text comprehension are presented, reflects and explanation of the specificity of these relationships are given.
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