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Introduction. This article discusses the problem of developing students' professional independence through problem-based learning. Having such a professionally important quality as independence, a teacher can independently and responsibly make decisions in problematic situations of various kinds.
The professional independence of the future teacher is considered by us as an active and conscious activity of students, their purposefulness and perseverance in mastering the pedagogical profession, the application of psychological, pedagogical and subject theoretical knowledge in practical work, self-control and self-assessment of their intellectual, emotional and volitional qualities and pedagogical abilities. The degree of formation of professional independence is manifested in the ability to develop the problems of teaching and educating students in accordance with their pedagogical position and views, plan their pedagogical activities, make independent decisions in accordance with their own position and views, be responsible for the results
and consequences of decisions made.
Materials and methods. The development of professional independence is provided by methods and techniques of problem-based learning, the use of which contributes to the formation of creative, competitive, competent teachers. The main theoretical method in the study is the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, which allowed to identify the advantages of problem-based learning for the development of independence, to substantiate the importance of independence as a professionally important quality, to determine the signs of independence. The study used empirical methods, including observation and questionnaires.
Results. The role of problem-based learning for the development of independence of future teachers is shown. Methodological techniques and stages of using problem-based learning in the process of developing professional independence are considered. The indicators of the formation of students' independence are determined: the manifestation of cognitive activity in educational activities; the presence of skills and abilities to independently acquire and apply subject knowledge; the ability to freely express their point of view, argue and justify their views, defend their position in a discussion with an opponent; make responsible independent decisions; develop an algorithm for their own activities, formulate a goal, think through the sequence actions necessary to achieve the result, to find the necessary information to solve professional and pedagogical problems.
Discussion. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of developing independence as a professionally important quality of a teacher allowed us to conclude about the high relevance of the problem under consideration, confirmed the high psychological and pedagogical potential of problem-based learning and its effectiveness for the development of independence of future teachers. The use of problem-based teaching methods allowed us to move from the traditional form of seminars and practical classes, the main purpose of which is to communicate ready-made theoretical knowledge, to solving problematic problems and situations reflecting real events of the educational process of the school, which the future teacher may encounter in his practical activities. Such organization of seminars and practical classes contributes not only to a deeper and more conscious assimilation of theoretical knowledge, but also to the development of skills of independent organization of one's own cognitive activity.
Conclusion. Independence as a professionally important quality ensures the success of the cognitive and professional-pedagogical activity of the future teacher. The development of independence is facilitated by the use of methods and techniques of problem-based learning in the educational process. Problem-based learning creates conditions for the activation of cognitive activity, the development of motivation, independence of students. Creative solutions to theoretical and practical problems arising in the educational process, arouses interest in the content and methods of organizing the educational process, creates conditions for the self-development of the personality of the future teacher.
Problem learning; Problem methods; Problem situation; Independence; Independent work; Future teacher
The expediency of using problem-based learning as a means of developing the independence of future teachers in the process of their professional and pedagogical training at the university is substantiated;
The signs of independence as a professionally important quality of future teachers are identified;
The stages of using problem-based learning in the process of training future specialists are determined.
The conditions for the effective use of problem-based learning for the development of independence of future teachers are revealed.
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