Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2022 № 3 (169) Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2022.82.58.014
UDC: 371.015
BBC: 88. 840
E. V. Reznikova ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate professor of hern special pedagogics, psychology and subject techniques, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Yu. A. Shareyeva ORCID
Teacher-psychologist of the highest qualification category, Municipal budgetary general educational institution “Secondary General Education School № 68 of Chelyabinsk”, Chelyabinsk, Russia
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. In modern society, bilingualism is becoming the leading trend in language development. The problem of bilingualism is becoming relevant for many educational organizations, which means that the task of the school is to organize competent psychological and pedagogical support for the process of adaptation of children with bilingualism among Russian-speaking peers. The article presents the results of a study of the level of social adaptation of students with bilingualism, analyzes the factors influencing the success of the socialization of children to unfamiliar conditions, describes the elements of the program of psychological support for students that contribute to familiarization with new sociocultural conditions. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the author's position and the system for assessing the level of social adaptation of students with bilingualism, to substantiate the effectiveness of the forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical support for students in an educational organization.

Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature devoted to the study of the issue of bilingualism, the features of the process of adaptation of students with bilingualism, observation, the study of the individual characteristics of students with difficulties in perceiving a non-native language, the identification and analysis of the problems of socialization of bilinguals in new conditions of learning and living. The study used diagnostic methods aimed at studying the personal characteristics of bilingual schoolchildren, the process of their adaptation, the psychological climate in the team, the emotional attitude of students to school, peers, and teachers.

Results. As a result of research activities, diagnostic methods were selected, adapted and tested to determine the level of social adaptation of students, as well as effective directions, methods and forms of psychological and pedagogical support for students with bilingualism, contributing to their successful socialization. In the course of experimental work, psychologists, primary school teachers, speech therapists of an educational or-

ganization developed methodological recommendations for conducting remedial classes in extracurricular activities, taking into account the specifics of building communications for children with bilingualism, which contributed to the formation of communication skills in Russian in various situations (household, educational communication with peers and adults). Organized psychological and pedagogical support helped students to more easily adapt to the educational organization and get involved in the educational process.

Discussion. It is emphasized that the results of specialists' observations and research confirm the need to organize psychological and pedagogical support for students with bilingualism for their successful social adaptation and familiarization with new sociocultural conditions. The involvement and awareness of all participants in the educational process in accompanying schoolchildren with bilingualism will be reflected in the ability of children to overcome the feeling of fear, anxiety about the need to interact with Russian-speaking classmates, and on the ability of students to participate in the course of frontal work in the classroom. The adaptation of students with bilingualism is important for their families, in which they begin to play the role of an interpreter, tutor for their non-Russian-speaking family members.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the complex and well-coordinated work of all participants in educational relations in the framework of the psychological and pedagogical support of students with bilingualism contributes to successful social adaptation and favorably affects the development of each student in the context of educational activities. Pupils become active, interested members of the class team, they form a generally positive attitude towards learning, towards school. However, it is worth noting that some elements of anxiety, emotional tension, aggressiveness, and a decrease in interest in the activities performed remain after graduating from elementary school, which becomes the subject of correctional work by a teacher-psychologist at the second stage of education for students with bilingualism.


Children with disabilities; Social adaptation; Bilingualism; bilingualism; Psychological and pedagogical support; Sociocultural conditions


Approaches to the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support for students with bilingualism in addressing their adaptation and socialization in the educational organization are described;

Diagnostic tools for studying individual characteristics of bilingual students, their emotional state, psychological climate in the team, adaptation mechanisms are selected and described;

Practices of implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of students with bilingualism in the conditions of general educational organization are presented.


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