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Introduction. The relevance of expanding and refining the range of modern teaching methods in the system of vocational training of pedagogical cadres is determined by the need to ensure not only the ability of teachers to use the training and self-learning methods in a specific or pedagogical learning models, but also to choose and design new methods in the information and communication space for increasing the effectiveness. The importance of the highlighted skills is fixed in the documents of the domestic and international levels. At the same time, the evaluation (expert evaluation) and the construction of methods should be based on a theoretical basis that allows validly evaluate the received or chosen training method from the point of view of computer didactics. Such kind of work can be done on the basis of obtained in the process of training knowledge and experience, for example, during the performance of special tasks with a certain content filling various forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities.
Materials and Methods. The main research methods are: analysis of normative and recommendatory documents, as well as scientific literature that reveals the problem of updating teaching methods in the system of vocational training, comparison of the results connecting with the studies about the effectiveness of the formation of social and professional competencies for magistracy students.
Results. The author suggests subjects for selected blocks of the logical structure of organizational forms of work with undergraduates (course “Pedagogical Education”) and gives examples which can be used for lecture, seminar and laboratory classes, as well as research activities. The study presents the four-aspect test of the undergraduates’ skill formation for process of modern teaching method selection, compilation and estimation.
Discussion. The paper emphasizes that the process of forming skills to evaluate and independently compose methods of teaching with the help of a computer requires special theoretical and practical training and it has a complex nature.
Conclusion. The results of the proposed materials can be used not only in the system of master’s training, but also at the level of the bachelor’s degree, and during teachers’ professional development.
method of teaching; evaluation of the effectiveness of the method of teaching in the information and communication space; preparation of the training method; principles of computer didactics
- The study presents the logical structure of organizational forms of work with undergraduates (course of “Pedagogical education”);
- The author employs the content topic to form the master’s degree students’ skills to design and evaluate teaching methods in the ideology of computer didactics;
- Illustrative materials for the formation of knowledge and accumulation of experience in the compilation and evaluation of modern teaching and self-learning methods during using information and communication technologies are presented.
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