Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.03.10
UDC: 378.637.016
BBC: 74.489.0
I.V. Kudinov ORCID
Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Education), Vice-Rector for Scientific Work and Innovation, Bashkir State Pedagogical University n. a. M. Akmulla, Ufa, Russia.
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Information technologies in professional pedagogical education

Introduction. The research substantiates the relevance of the IT-solutions in various spheres of human life, the development of e-learning technologies, and the increased need for rapid and highly specialized education. All of these facts fundamentally change the role and functions of higher education institutions today. The purpose of the article is to summarize the experience of Bashkir State Pedagogical University n.a. M. Akmulla regarding the development of e-learning methodology of the profile university and private methods for online and offline learning in the higher education system, and also about the scientific research in the field of production quality and the results of the development of mass open-courses. The article reveals the main vectors of the university activities: implementation of subject-oriented educational technology, organization of training with the use of mass open online courses, transition to the active and project forms of work, development of networked educational programs, elaboration of imitation (simulation) training methods, integration training with production, implementation of dual training programs. The system of electronic educational resources created in BMSU M. Akmulla provides support for professional growth of teachers, build up the vertical interaction from student to professor, implement the methodological, organizational and substantial support of schools, and introduce mass open educational online courses for parents.

Materials and methods. There are three innovative sites (laboratories) that study information technologies in education which have been formed recently in the Bashkir State Pedagogical University n.a. M. Akmulli: “Methodology of subject-oriented learning in higher education” (development of the theoretical and methodological foundations of subject-oriented vocational education, taking into account the training requirements of a competent specialist), “Didactic design” (elaboration of the visual didactic tools for the education system), “Bimodal University as an innovative and advanced development strategy in high school” (deals with the theoretical basis and the introduction of technology into the learning process and teaching tool simulation (imitation) training).

Results. The development of bimodality in an open university project entails the introduction of mechanisms for academic mobility of students with the normative ability to re-record individual disciplines and modules based on learning outcomes both on their own online courses and on the leading Russian and international IOOO platforms. The depth of innovation is ensured by the integration of electronic tools into the main processes and projects of the university. Version 2.0 of electronic university - bimodal university - involves the integration of resources with portal solutions in the education system of the Republic of Bashkortostan (the e-education platform of the Republic of Bashkortostan) and the Russian Federation (the national platform for open education), and also providing information and analytical support for the implementation of priority university projects.

Discussion. It is emphasized that the study does not analyze the individual components of the institution’s informatization, but a holistic information and educational environment connected with the general conceptual provisions of the organizational and educational process in higher education and the role of the pedagogical university as a scientific, educational and social center of the region.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the most important directions of the university development in the field of information technologies are: the introduction of the open educational principles during the study process; constant networking with the leading universities within the country and all over the world; providing the educational process with forms of quasi-professional activity; using dual education and simulation training; cooperation with knowledge-intensive enterprises, productions, schools; electronic support of innovative projects and distributive implementation IT- solutions; electronic monitoring of the region’s education system; improvement of the e-education quality and IT competencies of participants; personnel training in the field of innovative information management.


information technologies, mass open online courses, dual training, simulation training, professional pedagogical education

  • The main directions of the pedagogical university development in the field of electronic education have been determined;
  • The structure of the university as an open bimodal scientific, educational and social center that combines resources and projects for sustainable social development of the region, the introduction of innovative pedagogical technologies, the implementation of the methodology of e-education and interactive education of the population is developed;
  • The key projects of the PedagogicalUniversity in the field of electronic educational resources are presented.

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