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Introduction. The article discusses the process of preparing future English teachers for extracurricular activities. The urgency of the problem is specified. The goal is to show the process of planning, organizing and implementing the preparation of future English teachers for conducting extracurricular work at school on the example of the experience of the Department of Foreign Languages at the pedagogical university.
Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of pedagogical literature on the problem of extracurricular work and future teachers training. Empirical methods are: pedagogical experiment, pedagogical observation, the method of peer assessment, conversation, questioning.
Results. The paper defines the concept of extracurricular activity, enumerates the purposes of organizing extracurricular work at school, corresponding to the results of mastering the basic educational programmes. The concept of professional readiness for conducting extracurricular work on the subject is considered. The development of the model for future teachers training to conduct extracurricular work at school is shown. Examples of activities in the work of the Department of Foreign Languages of the pedagogical university to prepare future teachers for extracurricular work are given. The study analyzes the results of the survey among the students of the pedagogical university on their readiness for extracurricular work. The authors give some recommendations on future English teachers training to conduct extracurricular work.
Discussion. It is emphasized that of all the three components in students training to conduct extracurricular work, the component of professionally important personal qualities is the most difficult element to teach while the components of knowledge and skills are formed rather quickly.
Conclusion. The conclusion about the effectiveness of the proposed model and the effectiveness of the department’s work in preparing future teachers for conducting extracurricular activities on the subject is made.
extracurricular work on the subject, English teachers training, vocational training
- The components of future English teachers readiness to conduct extracurricular work on the subject are specified;
- The model to train future teachers to conduct extracurricular work on the subject has been developed;
- The set of actions directed on future teachers training to conduct extracurricular work on the subject is presented.
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