Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.03.14
UDC: 42(07)
BBC: 74.268.13
N.V. Protasova ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor, Candidate of Sciences (Philology), Associate Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages, Michurinsk State Agrarian University (Michurinsk, Tambov Region, Russia)
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The development of cognitive interest at senior schoolchildren of non – humanitatian pro-file in teaching – learning the textual activity in learning english

Introduction. In the conditions of dynamic expanding of modern technologies, widening the spectrum of informative resources reading becomes the main source of information and means of intellectual and cultural development of a person. Reading on a foreign language is also a form of intercultural communication in different spheres – social, cultural, academic, private.

 Materials and methods. In the present article we consider the use of synectic peculiarities in the process of textual activity at traditional lessons of a foreign language and at elective courses at school. Synectics, in translation from Greek, means connecting different to each other elements. This method can be considered as a unique one as it can be used in different spheres. Some researchers consider this method as a form of mastering the educational process. The advantage of this method is rethinking of what is known, extending the notions, strategic planning. The idea of the article is to show the peculiarities of using this method in teaching process, at the lessons of a foreign language, particularly in the process of textual activity at senior schoolchildren of non – humanitarian profile.

 Special attention is paid to the choice of texts at the lessons of a foreign language. As it’s known, being the main source of interest, the content can stimulate senior schoolchildren. That is why the selection of texts should be matched to children, taking account of their different cognitive interests.

Results. The results of investigation proved the opportunity of using the elements of synectics at the English lessons in the process of textual activity at school. The result is achieved by regulation knowledge. Herewith senior schoolchildren constantly get new information on profile, the meaning of individual work is raised, associative thinking is developed.

Discussion. It’s necessary to note that the results of investigation are proved by received knowledge on subjects of science mathematical cycle by means of a foreign language. The use of elements of synectics in the process of textual activity is possible to consider as one of the active forms at lessons of a foreign language, which helps to develop the cognitive interest.

Conclusion. We consider that using the elements of synectics in the process of textual activity at the English lessons will stimulate creative activity of senior schoolchildren of non – humanitarian profile and support their wish to get knowledge individually. 


synectics, textual activity, knowledge of different subjects, cognitive interest, associative thinking

  • The possibilities of using the elements of synectics in methods of teaching a foreign language, particularly in the process textual activity are analyzed;
  • The specific features of textual activity at the English lessons with elements of the synectics method are defined;
  • The main points of using elements of synectics in the process of textual activity are singled out.

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