Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 4 Pedagogical sciences
DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.75..4..007
UDC: 371.01: 8РФ
BBC: 74.202.21: 82.3
L. G. Ovanesyan ORCID
Associate Professor at the Department of Choreography, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
L. A. Klykova ORCID
Docent, Dean of the faculty of the folk artistic creativity, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University,
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article is devoted to the review and analysis of folklore activity in the institutions of basic General education (schools) of Chelyabinsk. The prerequisites of interest to the national traditions and their introduction into the sphere of culture and education are consistently revealed. The evaluation of the potential of folk culture and creativity in the education and training of modern children is done. Consider the form, content, and methods of introducing students to folk culture in the MOU the city of Chelyabinsk, in terms of their originality and the degree of adaptation to these conditions; the advantages and disadvantages of this activity are revealed.

Materials and methods. The main methods of research are the chronological historical and cultural analysis of the folklore movement in the country and Chelyabinsk and the introduction of folklore traditions in the educational process, the definition of the concepts used; the study of scientific literature and Internet sources, methodological developments and project programs on the problem of familiarizing students with traditional folk culture; direct acquaintance, participation and monitoring of current processes in the field of folklore activities of educational institutions; interviewing the teaching staff of the structural units of additional education, reference to the materials of folklore expeditions in the Chelyabinsk region, as well as an evaluation description of the units.

Results. Traced the path of the actualization of folk art and traditions and their introduction into the structure of additional education using innovative forms at the experimental sites of the Chelyabinsk schools: lessons from the folklore and Ethnology, museums of folk life, scientific, educational and creative centers. The analysis and assessment of quality in the institutions of General education, leading folklore activities for the purpose of constructive changes of shortcomings, or its continuation in the selected form, content, methods, technologies.

Discussion. With a serious approach to the problems of education and training of new generations through the introduction to the best examples of folk art, folk culture, ethnopedagogics will serve as an accumulator of ideas, a source of methods and innovative educational programs and technologies.

Conclusion. The conclusion is made about the state and prospects of folklore activity in the institutions of basic General education of Chelyabinsk, the problems of reforming society in the socio-cultural and educational fields, training of teaching staff in the field of folk traditional culture, as well as the underestimation of the school leadership of the importance of ethnopedagogics and folk art, and as a consequence, the manifestation of passivity to the national heritage and the curtailment of folklore activities in institutions. Shortcomings are revealed and achievements in the content-design part of the Museum and creative work, productivity of some innovative projects are noted.


folklore, folklore movement, folklore activity, educational institutions, experimental programs, innovations, Chelyabinsk, school Museum, Museum pedagogy, educational technologies, traditional folk culture, stylization


a chronological historical and cultural analysis of the current situation in the implementation of folklore traditions in the educational process;

measures to reform the educational system in the years of the collapse of the USSR and perestroika, contributing to the departure from the unified model of school education, strengthening the humanitarian component, the transition to variable education, which created favorable conditions for the emergence of the first high schools and lyceums, experimental sites and projects;

- characteristics of forms, content, theoretical and methodological basis of folklore activity in educational institutions of Chelyabinsk are given;

- the achievements and shortcomings in the implementation of folk traditions and creativity as a means of training and education of the younger generation in modern educational institutions


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