Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 4 Pedagogical sciences
DOI: DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.19..4..006
UDC: 378.14
BBC: 74.409
Natalya Mikhailovna Legacheva ORCID
Altai State University, senior lecturer of the Department
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Larina Valerievna Shvetsova ORCID
Associate Professor of the Department, Altai State University
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Elena Vladimirovna Mardasova ORCID
Altai State University, senior lecturer
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Julia Vyacheslavovna Kozyreva ORCID
Academic Title of Associate Professor,Altai State University, Associate Professor
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Introduction. In the course of the study, a new innovative model of additional education for talented children and young people — “Quantorium” - was considered. The reasons for the realization of the main directions of the Kvantorium in the Altai Territory are shown. The prospects and problems of the work of this model are revealed.

Materials and methods. Educational programs Quantoriums are based on the implementation of real technology cases with the inculcation of students in the skills of research and inventive activities. In the process of working on the project, students receive not only scientific and technical hart skills (hart-competencies), but also super-objective skills — soft skills (soft-competence).

Results. Geokwantum is located on the basis of KGBU "Altai Regional Pedagogical Lyceum-Boarding School". The contingent is represented by primary and secondary school students (grades 3 through 9). In the future, it is planned to involve students in grades 10-11. Geokvantum as a direction “Kvantorium.22” closely cooperates with higher educational institutions of the region.

Discussion.  In the work of Geoquantum as a direction of the children's technopark “Kvantorium.22” there are problems of organizational, methodical and technical nature.

Сonclusion. Created in the Altai Territory “Kvantorium.22” will become a generator of modern ideas for the development of the region, which will contribute to the development of promising projects for certain industries of the region, including agro-industrial complex, tourism, medicine. The work of Geoquantum as a separate direction “Quantorium.22” will allow students to collect, process and analyze geographic information (spatial data) using modern high-tech equipment and software in order to create projects and apply results in the economic activities of the region.


innovation model, additional education, Quantorium, Geoquantum, hart skills, soft skills, geoinformation systems, unmanned aerial vehicles, remote sensing data of the Earth, contest “UniKvant”


• The main directions of the work of the Quantorium, prospects and problems of the development of this model of education have been revealed;

• Based on the analysis of theoretical sources, the work of the network of Technoparks "Kvantorium" in the territory of the Russian Federation is reviewed;

• The content of educational modules of Geoquantum as a direction "Quantorium. 22" was developed


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