Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 5 Pedagogical sciences
DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.86..5..001
UDC: 376.1
BBC: 74.3
Vladimir Alexandrovich Belikov ORCID
Professor of the Department of social and pedagogical education,head of the Department, South-Ural state humanitarian-pedagogical University, Professor
E-mail: Send an e-mail
M. V. Kozhevnikov ORCID
Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Training Teachers of Professional Education and Subject Methods, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
I. V. Lapchinskaia ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department, Training of Teachers of Professional Education and Subject Methods, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The problem under discussion is distinguished by exceptional aetality because at present the number of children with limited health abilities is significantly increasing, and corrective work with them requires finding new effective ways to solve this problem.

The aim of the paper is to -develop, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the program of correction of dysgraphia among schoolchildren with mental retardation in the context of integrated learning.

Materials and methods. Used theoretical methods – analysis of psychological, pedagogical, linguistic literature on the problem of dysgraphies; the study and synthesis of pedagogical experience in overcome violations of writing among schoolchildren with mental retardation; empirical methods – pedagogical experiment, observation, product analysis (of the written work of schoolchildren in the Russian language).

Results. An initial survey revealed a group of schoolchildren whose optical errors predominated in their written language. Also survey was conducted the oral speech of children (sound pronunciation, lexical, grammatical structure, phonemic analysis and synthesis, level of development of coherent speech), the state of nonverbal mental functions (attention, memory, thinking, visual-spatial functions, constructive praxis and other). At the ascertaining stage, the method of studying the process of writing I.N. Sadovnikova was used.

At the formative stage of the experiment, a program for the correction of dysgraphia among schoolchildren with mental retardation was developed and implemented.

Control examination allowed to determine the effectiveness of the program for the cor- rection of dysgraphia among schoolchildren.

Discussion. In spite of the large number of works that investigate the problem of dysgraphia in people with mental retardation, today all these theories are rather contradictory. This explains that there are still various points of view related to the definition, pathogenesis, mechanisms, symptoms of dysgraphia. The novelty of our research lies in the development of an updated effective approach to the correction of dysgraphia among schoolchildren with mental retardationin the context of integrated learning.

Conclusion. The program for the correction of dysgraphia among schoolchildren with mental retardation in the context of integrated learning helps to overcome the optical form of dysgraphia and other of violations of the writing process, as well as activates the cognitive activity of schoolchildren with mental retardation.


optical dysgraphia,  mental retardation,  junior  schoolchildren,  correction, written speech, nonverbal mental functions, cognitive activity.


 - a theoretical analysis of the causes, symptoms and psychological mechanisms of writ

ten disorders among schoolchildren with mental retardation;

- during the empirical study revealed a group of junior schoolchildren whose optical errors predominated in their written language, oral speech errors, violations in the state of nonverbal mental functions;

- developed program for the correction of dysgraphia among schoolchildren with mental retardation in the context of integrated;

- tested the effectiveness of the correctional program.


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