Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 5 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2018.26..5..013
UDC: 81-139
BBC: 81.2
A. V. Sviridova ORCID
Docent, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor at the Department of Russian Language, Literature and Methods of Teaching Russian Language and Literature, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
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Introduction. The article is devoted to phraseological units considered as an object under study at primary school. The author defines the concepts of studying Russian phraseology in terms of extra-practice and additional lessons.  Linguistic  and  cultural  peculiarities are es- sential points to study as they are not only the key issues of phraseology, but they also facilitate memorizing and understanding processes. The author demonstrates the necessity of learning phraseological units and idioms at additional Russian lessons at primary school. The article aims at identifying and analyzing the key features of learning phraseological units at primary school according to their linguistic characteristics. It is necessary to emphasize structural, informative, figurative, attitudinal and emotional peculiarities of phraseologisms at the first learning stages. Russian phraseological units can be classified according to different criteria.


The process of teaching pupils these classifications must depend  on  cognitive  complexity of pupils’ gnostic sphere.

Methods and materials. The main methods of study used in the article are descriptive, distributive and quantitative. Using these methods enable the author to acknowledge the possibility of effective phraseology learning in relation to pupil’s cognitive abilities.

Results. The features of the structure of educational activities in primary school in the study of the phraseological level of the Russian language. Linguistic and cultural features  semantic of  phraseological units are presented as one of the stimulating conditions for the development of  these units by school children.

Discussion. The purpose of the development of philological disciplines is the formation of basic knowledge about the diversity of the breadth and unity of the cultural and linguistic space traditional and innovative methods.

Conclusion. The study of the phraseological level is characterized as a condition for the formation of communicative competence: phraseological units more accurately nominate objects and their features, and, therefore, communicants, using them in communication, will be able to better convey information, express their attitude.


phraseological units, cognitive, cognition, linguistic characteristics, general studying activities, competence


- phraseological level successfully and systematically mastered in primary school due to the special linguisticnature; 

- mastering the phraseological level makes it possible to implement the interactive principal of learning;

- mastering the phraseological level forms communicative competence.


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