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Introduction. The problem of using educational technologies in the practice of teachers aimed at the formation of personal coping resources of students is actualized. The relationship between the achievement of personal learning outcomes and the formed personal coping resources of students has been substantiated. Highlighted and characterized by personal coping resources that contribute to the achievement of personal learning outcomes. The pedagogical conditions for the achievement of personal learning outcomes by graduates are indicated and argued: the use in the practice of teachers of various educational technologies aimed at the formation and development of personal coping resources; the presence of stable target attitudes of the teacher in relation to the use of modern educational technologies in their practice; the value attitude of teachers to the formation of students' personal resources for their achievement of personal results. A conditional systematization of educational technologies is presented in accordance with their possible impact on the formation of personal coping resources, namely: a positive self-concept and adequate self-esteem, cognitive activity, the ability to reflect on one's own activity, empathy, emotional intellect.
Materials and methods. In order to analyze the practice of using educational technologies by teachers aimed at achieving students' personal results, in 2021, using the capabilities of Google Forms, a questionnaire "Using educational technologies of pedagogical assistance in the formation of personal coping resources of schoolchildren" was conducted. The questionnaire was developed by the author. 177 teachers from schools in the city of Chelyabinsk took part in the survey.
Results. Analyzed the results of the questionnaire "Use of educational technologies by teachers, contributing to the formation of personal coping resources of schoolchildren." In teaching practice, the use of various technologies is widely represented. Technologies aimed at involving schoolchildren in social design, volunteer and volunteer projects, at developing students' ability to reflect on their own activities, and also at developing their empathy and emotional intelligence are not often used. The practical significance of the research is emphasized.
Discussion. The relationship between personal learning outcomes and personal coping resources of schoolchildren has been established and argued. The presented toolkit can be used to determine the state of practical use by teachers of various educational technologies aimed at the formation of students' personal coping resources and their achievement of the planned personal results.
Conclusion. The use of the whole variety of teaching technologies ensures greater efficiency of teaching, contributes to the development of motivation for learning, interests, inclinations, abilities of students, personal coping resources of students.
Educational technology; Personal learning outcomes; Personal coping resources; Empathy; cognitive activity; Positive self-concept; Adequate self-esteem
From the results of the research it follows that all teaching staff have formed an understanding of the need to work on the achievement of students' subject, meta-subject and personal results. A contradiction is noted: in fact, for half of the teachers, the main ones are the subject learning outcomes and the successful delivery of the state final certification by the students. In fact, every fifth teacher does not use the possibilities of reflection on professional activity.
In pedagogical practice, technologies are more often used, aimed at the formation of adequate self-esteem, the development of cognitive activity. Less commonly used: technologies of educational polemics, role-playing games; pedagogical workshop technology; case technology; social design; work to involve students in volunteering, volunteer projects.
The system of informal effective methodological work in general educational organizations, the creation of conditions for the exchange of pedagogical experience, a critical analysis of one's own activities and the experience of colleagues when choosing methods, forms, pedagogical technologies will ensure the quality of education.