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Introduction. In current conditions, professional development does not have rigid boundaries, so students, in order to maintain the ability to compete and develop, independently model their professional route, in addition, they will have to overcome uncertainty in all areas of social life, cope constructively with stressful situations, which can be facilitated by tolerance to uncertainty as a personal characteristic. The goal is a theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the relationship between tolerance for uncertainty and coping strategies among students of the Faculty of Psychology.
Materials and methods. The study of the relationship between uncertainty tolerance and coping strategies among students of the Faculty of Psychology includes three stages: search and preparatory, experimental, control and generalizing. Experimental base of the study: South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University”, faculty of psychology (N = 17). The study was implemented using theoretical (analysis and modeling, generalization, goal setting) and empirical methods: ascertaining experiment, testing according to the following methods: (Badner uncertainty tolerance scale (adaptation by T.V. Kornilova, M.A. Chumakova); “Indicator coping-strategies” (D. Amirkhan); “Diagnosis of coping behavior in stressful situations” (S. Norman, D. F. Endler, D. A. James, adapted by T. L. Kryukova); method of mathematical statistics: rank correlation criterion C. Spearman.
Results. The study revealed the predominance of the average level of tolerance and intolerance; tolerance at a high level and above average — not revealed. The majority of respondents showed an average level of dominance of the problem-solving strategy; the strategy of seeking social support is also at the middle level, which reflects the trend towards social mobility and the establishment of interpersonal relationships. Least of all respondents use the strategy of avoiding problems; emotion-oriented coping is predominant. The results of mathematical and statistical processing showed that a statistically significant correlation was established between tolerance/intolerance to uncertainty and indicators of coping strategies (orientation to emotions and problem solving).
Discussion. In the process of discussing the cognitive results of tolerance for uncertainty, its potential role in influencing the attitude of students towards the educational environment was revealed. Students who are tolerant of uncertainty can take an active part in social activities and can contribute not only to their own development, but also to the development of the educational organization. To achieve the necessary results in educational and social activities, it is necessary to take into account the level of stress tolerance.
Conclusion. The study showed the need to monitor students' tolerance for uncertainty with the subsequent use of its data in the process of modeling practical programs for transforming the educational environment. In the process of implementing psychological and pedagogical programs, special attention should be paid to the study of tolerance, intolerance, coping strategies, stress resistance and take into account the determinants, personality characteristics, integral individuality, and mental characteristics of each student. This approach will allow psychology students to develop constructive coping strategies to overcome situations of uncertainty and stress.
Tolerance; Intolerance; Uncertainty; Coping strategies; Stress; Students; Faculty of psychology
The model for the formation of constructive coping strategies for students of the Faculty of Psychology to overcome situations of uncertainty consists of interrelated components: goals, objectives, formative interactions, methods used in formative work, results.
The phenomenon of tolerance for uncertainty is not yet sufficiently disclosed in the psychological and pedagogical literature, however. the available conclusions allow defining the basic concepts, characteristics, choosing methods for the ascertaining experiment, conducting exercises, games, conversations, solving situational problems.
The level of manifestation of constructive coping strategies among students of the Faculty of Psychology to overcome situations of uncertainty confirms the combination of both poles (tolerance and intolerance) with the predominance of one of them.
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