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Introduction. The article examines the problem of the formation of thinking at preschool age, when a change in the content leads to a restructuring of the nature of the child’s mental activity and new types of thinking arise that should form the basis of his new knowledge, mental development and readiness for school. A child of preschool age is otherwise related to the solution of the intellectual task before him, uses other methods to solve it, or otherwise generalizes observable phenomena than a younger student.
Materials and methods: The main research methods are the analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature devoted to the problem of the formation of thinking in the preschool years, associated with the development of cognitive processes and general changes in the child's activity; as well as diagnostic methods, including the method of pedagogical observation and experimental research.
Results: The content of the types of thinking that are formed in the preschool age are highlighted: visual-effective, visual-figurative, verbal-logical and creative thinking, the study of which proved that they
cover all stages of the development of a preschool child and show how there are more complex and more advanced.
Discussion: It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the project is the presentation of the interpretation of the mental operations of a child of preschool age, their connection with the formation of elementary intellectual functions and thinking in general.
Conclusion The conclusion is made about the nature of the mental activity of preschool children and differentiation of thought processes, when the cognitive task appears in its own content as the task of mastering new knowledge.
Keywords: thinking, children's thinking, features and types of thinking, stages of thinking, operation and objective actions, universal mental actions, visual-effective thinking, visual-figurative thinking, verbal-logical thinking, creative thinking, preschool children.
Features of the formation of thinking in preschool age are, in our opinion, in the following:
1) the acquisition by the child of preschool age of the experience of direct actions with objects influences the formation of thinking, reduces to the knowledge of the surrounding world and creates the possibility of transition from elementary forms of thinking to the most complex forms of intellectual activity that is revealed when solving practical problems by the child;
2) the effectiveness of solving cognitive tasks in preschool age essentially depends on the nature of the child’s orienting actions and on the form and content of the orienting-research activity that the child has developed in his or her own experience;
3) the formation of thinking in preschool age is determined by the readiness and ability of the child to use universal mental actions (analysis, synthesis, comparison, synthesis, abstraction, classification).
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