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Introduction. The discipline of "Pedagogical rhetoric" helps students to understand the fundamental role of communication in the professional activities of the teacher. The specificity of pedagogical speech is noted. In general, possession of effective communication methods is not just possession of one of the components of a teacher’s professional skills, it is an indicator of the teacher’s pedagogical viability.The purpose of the article is to show the process of formation of communicative competence of future teachers in the process of studying the course "Pedagogical rhetoric".
Materials and methods. The main methods and techniques of researching the formation of the communicative competence of future teachers in the process of studying the course “Pedagogical Rhetoric” were the analysis of scientific and methodological literature, data processing, synthesis, systematization of their own work experience.
Results. It has been established that the structure of communicative competence, formed by students, future teachers, is quite complex, which in general determines the multidimensionality of ЭPedagogical rhetoricЭ as a subject of study. In connection with this course on “Teaching rhetoric” integrates information from a variety of linguistic and rechevedcheskih disciplines, in particular the traditional linguistics, speech culture, communicative linguistics, psycholinguistics, paralinguistics, sociolinguistics, lingvopragmatiki, theory of text and discourse, stylistics and others. We consider it expedient to present the content of the university course “Pedagogical Rhetoric” in the form of successively studied sections (modules): 1). Theoretical foundations of pedagogical rhetoric. 2). Teacher speech technology. 3). The culture of speech teacher. four). Culture of pedagogical communication. five). Pedagogical rhetorical ideal. Thus, the formation of communicative competence will be carried out consistently according to the principle “From theory to practice”.
Conclusion. The formation of communicative competence among students, future teachers, occurs consistently: the components of competence are identified, the levels of its formation are determined by means of the discipline “Pedagogical rhetoric”.
pedagogical rhetoric, teacher, student, communicative competence, competence, language, speech, culture of speech
Proved the validity of the introduction of the discipline "Pedagogical rhetoric", given the characteristics of the content, described sections (modules) of the course. Identified and lined up consistent components of communicative competence.
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