Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 8 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.80.30.007
UDC: 378:33
BBC: 74.480:65
E. YU. Nikitina ORCID
Professor, doctor of pedagogical Sciences, Professor of Department of Russian language and literature and methods of teaching Russian language and literature, South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
YU. D. Gorskih ORCID
Master student, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical university
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. This article substantiates the relevance of the development of managerial competencies of public servants in the context of globalization and integration processes in the world community. The article discusses the historical aspect of the problem of public service activity, the requirements for civil servants performing managerial functions. The purpose of the article is to substantiate and uncover the factors of formation of managerial competencies of a public servant of a new level, as well as to reveal the range of managerial competencies.

Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature related to public administration. Analysis of trends in the development of functions of state administration of customs activity, associated with the transition of the world economy to the new environment of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Results. The main goal of management has been formed, the functions have been identified, which have led to the identification of modern approaches to the formation of managerial competence of future specialists, which have not been previously used in the practice of training management personnel for state bodies.

Discussion. It is emphasized that there are problems in the formation of managerial competencies associated with a low level of organizational and analytical culture of officials, with a lack of perception by the subjects of management of creativity.

Conclusion. It is concluded that the solution of the problems of training civil servants, the implementation of modernized approaches to the formation of managerial competencies will contribute to the development of personnel potential of customs managers.


managerial competence, public administration, customs specialists, customs personnel, civil servants, public administration, social orientation


Determined the content of managerial competence;

Identified modern approaches to the formation of managerial competence of future specialists, which will allow the future specialist to make rational management decisions;

The range of managerial competencies necessary for the implementation of activities in the field of customs is presented.


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