Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2018 № 8 Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2019.35.24.008
UDC: 378
BBC: 74.560
L. N. Pavlova ORCID
Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Vocational Training in Subject Methods, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical university
E-mail: Send an e-mail
T. YU. Karataeva ORCID
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical university
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article presents the experience of a pedagogical university on the professional orientation of students. An example of such a work is a didactic game in the form of a workshop. Participation of students in the event allows you to independently obtain information and orient yourself in the matter of professional career growth in teaching.

Materials and methods. The main methods of studying the vocational orientation of students of a pedagogical university were the analysis of scientific literature, the study of activities on this issue of university services and curators of academic groups, and, of course, the use of methods for studying the status of professional identity (authors A. A. Azbel, A. G. Gretsov, J. Garcia).

Results. The main and most characteristic indicators of professional self-determination was identified professional identity, educational and professional motivation and professional readiness of students for the upcoming professional activity. Conducted research allowed to determine the peculiarities of the formation of the motivation of professional self-determination with a focus on the prevailing


motivational factors of the student’s personality that determine their professional choice; students' awareness of the process of professional self-determination, the motives for choosing a profession and getting a chosen specialty. The results of the study also consider the definition of effective forms of work with students.

Discussion. The educational system of the educational organization allows you to provide professional orientation of students, provided that the methodical activity of this area is provided, the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for students and a system of activities that involve students in the process of professional self-determination and, ultimately, leads students to understand the identity of themselves in the professional pedagogical field. The didactic game in the form of a workshop was defined by the authors as an effective organizational form of activity in the process of students' recognition of professional identity.

Conclusion. The process of professional orientation of students of a pedagogical university is provided by the educational system of an educational organization if, during the period of study, to stimulate an interest in developing an understanding of the social significance of the chosen profession; to identify a set of conditions that determine professional readiness and, as a result, students have a desire and interest in professional activities that are meaningful and motivated. As an organizational form for the orientation of students in their future profession, a workshop has established itself.


professional orientation, didactic game, workshop


The South-Ural State Humanities-Pedagogical University’s practice in the sphere of educational activities represents success of the students’ personality’s professional self-determination in the studying process at a higher educational institution. We designate that the students’ professional self-determination became a purposeful and consistently carried out process of their self-assessment and

its capabilities in the chosen profession through the students’ involvement in the system of professional competitions and in the environmental background, indicated by the prototype of educational institutions. We consider that the workshop is a very effective form in the students’ professional orientation process. The ground of this statement is an educational activities’ comparative description of each university’s faculty based on issues of employment and professional socialization and monitoring, analysis of the students’ professional orientation of quality and psychological diagnosis of their vocational guidance.


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