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The study substantiates the relevance of access to the possibility of existential psychology in solving the practical problems of modern education. The aim is to present the results of modern psychological research choices review in terms of identifying the theoretical basis of creating programs for developing gifted children.
Review structure: from the psychology of decision-making (including different spheres of activity) to the study of choice in the context of professional definition, and further, to the study of choice in the context of personal self-determination. The author selected psychological researches for analysis which were made in terms of the classical scientific paradigm.
The author suggests the possibility to correlate criteria of subjective quality of choice and psychological criteria for the choice of profile training. It has been emphasized the group of phenomena whose usage would expand the phenomenology of giftedness development (constructive personal reflection, system of vital meanings personal choice strategies, meaningful orientations, «fatefulness» and «daily life of elections», choice of creative way and etc.).
The paper reveals the subject matter of poor knowledge about existential and psychological problems of giftedness. The results of the research demonstrate that the strategies for professional and personal self-determination can serve as a guide for creating programs for the development of gifted children.
psychology of giftedness, classical paradigm, personal choice, making decisions, professional self-determination, personal self-determination
- Modern aspects of studying personal choice in terms of creation the educational models of support and development of gifted children have been specified;
- Review results of modern researches about ration of choice and decision-making, professional and personal self-determination in terms of classical paradigm have been demonstrated;
- Poor knowledge about personal choice problems in the psychology of giftedness and pedagogical psychology has been revealed.
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