Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 2 (155) Pedagogical sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.155.2.015
UDC: 378.937: 371.9
BBC: 74.480.8: 74.5
Ye. V. Shеrеmеtyеvа ORCID
Docent, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Special Pedagogy, Psychology and Subject methods, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical university
E-mail: Send an e-mail
Ye.V. Plotnikova ORCID
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Special Pedagogy, Psychology and Subject Methods, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail
A.A. Kovaleva ORCID
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Special Pedagogy, Psychology and Subject Methods, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The article substantiates the relevance and effectiveness of advanced training of teachers of preschool educational organizations in the aspect of corrective and preventive work with young children with deviations in speech mastery. Corrective and preventive work was built using folklore in the formation of the pace and rhythm of speech of young children, systematized in the author's course “Psychological and pedagogical support for young children with deviations in speech mastery”.

Materials and methods. The authors described the organization of the experiment and the content of the correction of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech of non-speaking young children on the material of small forms of folklore.

The basic methodological position of the study was the cultural and historical theory of L.S. Vygotsky, according to which the speech development of an early child is possible only with the formative effect of a communicative environment specially organized by an adult environment [8, pp. 81]. To do this, it is necessary to teach adults to organize a cognitive and communicative environment that contributes to the compensation of violations in development. At the same time, by speech development we mean the harmonious formation of a single complex system of interconnected and interdependent components located in a certain structural hierarchy, starting from the primary prosodic level.

The authors outlined their understanding of the main components of the pace and rhythm of speech of children of the third year of life as part of this study. Methods and techniques for diagnosing and correcting the pace and rhythm of speech for young children with deviations in speech mastery have been developed and tested. The most effective and early-age forms of folklore for the formation of the tempo and rhythmic organization of speech are highlighted.

Results. We have developed diagnostics of intonation-rhythmic processes of oral speech in young children with deviations in speech mastery; technology of corrective-preventive effect on intonation-rhythmic processes is proposed, which allows timely compensation of disorders in speech development of young children; the author's course for the master's program "Psychological and pedagogical support of young children with deviations in speech mastery" has been developed and tested, which can be used in the system of advanced training of teachers working with young children. hierarchies starting from the primary prosodic level.

The authors outlined their understanding of the main components of the pace and rhythm of speech of children of the third year of life as part of this study. Methods and techniques for diagnosing and correcting the pace and rhythm of speech for young children with deviations in speech mastery have been developed and tested. The most effective and early-age forms of folk folklore for the formation of the tempo and rhythmic organization of speech are highlighted: sweats, cannons, tricks.

Discussion. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of the pilot study is compensation for violations of the oral development of non-speaking children of early age as a result of the mastery of certain professional competencies by teachers who have mastered the educational discipline "Psychological and pedagogical support for young children with deviations in the mastery of speech”.

Conclusion. As a result, we believe that folk folklore is an important means of increasing the effectiveness of corrective formation of pace and rhythm, as the basic prerequisites of oral speech, in young children with deviations in the mastery of speech and contributes to the formation of spiritual and moral values of the cultural and national environment native to the child. And if this content is included in the advanced training program for teachers of the Preschool Educational Organization who work with young children, then non-speaking young children begin to master oral speech, and deviations in language acquisition are promptly compensated.


Advanced training; Speech rate; Speech development; Speech rhythm; Early age; Deviations in speech mastery; People's; Folklore


Content, methods and techniques for diagnosing tempo-rhythmic organization of speech in young children with deviations in speech mastery have been developed;

Systematized small folklore forms for young children, contributing to the tempo-rhythmic basis of oral speech;

On the basis of systematization, methods and techniques for corrective and preventive influence on the tempo-rhythmic basis of speech at an early age have been developed;

The training course “Psychological and pedagogical support for young children with deviations in speech mastery” was developed and tested as part of the master's program “Psychological and pedagogical support for persons with speech disorders”. It can be used to improve the skills of teachers working with young children.


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