Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 2 (155) Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.155.2.017
UDC: 37.015.31
BBC: 88.612
Ye. N. Smagina ORCID
Postgraduate of the Department of pedagogical and applied psychology, State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education of the City of Moscow “Moscow City Pedagogical University” Samara branch, Samara, Russia
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Introduction. The article provides a theoretical analysis of concepts and approaches to the definition of "value". This analysis will allow educational organizations to select, create and develop psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the value and moral sphere of the individual. Based on the analysis of the scientific context, systematization of the main concepts and approaches, the system of the main characteristics of the concept is defined, General and specific are highlighted, and the conclusion is made about the features of considering the concept of "value in psychology".

The article aims to substantiate and explain the different approaches to the concept of "value" as a conceptual basis for identifying psychological and pedagogical conditions of formation of moral-valuable sphere of student's personality.

Materials and methods. The main research methods are the analysis of scientific literature devoted to the study of the concept of "value". In the research process, we used the following types of literary and electronic sources: the dissertation and monographic studies, scientific articles on the research problem; conceptual, strategic and policy documents defining the goals, objectives and direction of education for the formation of moral-valuable sphere in the system of General education in Russia.

Results. Based on the conducted scientific analysis, approaches to the definition of "value" are identified and described.it is concluded that in psychology values are understood as beliefs; social attitudes; attitudes; motivational education; personality orientation; functional relationship between the object and the subject; characteristics that determine the choice of behavior; structural hierarchically organized education; mental representations.

Discussion.Russian psychology considers mainly values as conscious components of the psyche that can be formed during the educational process. Accordingly, for the formation of the value and moral sphere of the individual, it is necessary to create psychological and pedagogical conditions. Different approaches to understanding values determine the presence of different psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of the moral and value sphere of adolescents. The selection of conditions is possible based on the selected characteristics of the concept “value”.

Conclusion. It is concluded that in order to create psychological and pedagogical conditions, it is necessary to take into account different approaches to the concept of "value" and correlate this concept with the objective conditions of students ' life, since values and people themselves change over time as a result of activities.


Value; System-forming component; Moral values; Beliefs; Attitudes; Activities; Attitudes; Personality orientation; Behavior


In philosophy, sociology, ethics, and psychology, three main concepts of values are dominant:

1) these are social ideals that exist in the public consciousness of the idea of perfection;

2) this is the objective embodiment of these ideals in the products of creativity, material carriers, conscious actions and deeds;

3) motivational structures of the individual ("models of due", which are the basis of a person's life goals-ideas about how it should be).

Most authors identify two important characteristics of value:

1) the importance of

2) secondary, derived from human existence character.

In psychology, values are most often defined through the following concepts: beliefs, social attitudes, attitudes, stable motivational formations, personality orientation, characteristics that determine the choice of behavior, characteristics associated with unconscious neural processes. The considered ideas about values can be divided into 2 groups: values with conscious phenomena of the psyche and values with unconscious processes.

The analysis allows us to make the following generalizations of the characteristics of the concept of "value»:

The Value — a special form of communication between an object and a subject

The Values are not transmitted by rational learning, but are “born” in the individual's experience “on the basis of experience”

The Moral qualities-the object of the subject's value attitude, which gives them meaning and evaluates their significance

The Moral qualities become the object of value relations in the “personal experience” of an individual

A Person's relationship to himself, the Other and the World-a conscious, selective, experience-based connection of the individual with various aspects of reality

Values are guidelines that exist in the consciousness of each person, with which an individual or a social group correlates their actions

Values form the inner core of the personality, the quintessence of the needs and interests of individuals and social communities.


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