Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 6 (159) Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.159.6.016
UDC: 159.9.07
BBC: 88.26-7
L. V. Trubitsyna ORCID
Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Psychology and Pedagogy, Academy of Public Administration, Moscow
E-mail: Send an e-mail

Introduction. The transformation of the Internet into the main source of information for a significant number of modern people makes the problem of trust and distrust in Internet information particularly significant. The purpose of the study was to identify the subjective factors that people rely on when deciding whether to trust or not to trust information on the Internet.

Materials and methods. The research method was a slightly-structured interview, the respondents were men and women aged 17 to 55 years with different levels of education and different professions.

Results. As a result 25 weakly structured interviews were conducted on subjective factors that serve as criteria for whether Internet information is trustworthy.

Discussion. Qualitative analysis of the interview led to the identification of the following subjective media-trust criteria: site security in terms of virus infection and security of finances and personal data; trust in an Internet source (site, online publication, news aggregator, etc.); trust in a particular person or the quality or role attributed to him; reliance on their own logical critical thinking in the analysis of information; features of presenting information and design of the site; compliance with their own opinions and beliefs; their own competence or incompetence in the question; lack of time; feelings and insights; trust or distrust in the Internet as a whole.

It is shown that even when people set themselves the task of evaluating the reliability of information on the Internet, they often rely on very different and not always adequate subjective criteria. In cases where such a task is not specifically set, and the information does not arouse special interest in the recipient, its reliability is not questioned.

Conclusion. The study makes it possible to conclude that it is necessary to train the assessment of Internet and media information in general and to develop skills of protection from information influences.


Trust in information; Distrust of information; Slightly-structured interviews; Subjective criteria of trust in Internet information; Cybertrust, media trust


When evaluating Internet-information, people often rely on inadequate subjective criteria;

A large group of subjective factors that serve as criteria for evaluating information as trustworthy is identified;

Special training is required to evaluate media information and develop skills to protect against information impact.


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