Herald SUrSHPU
The Herald of South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical University ЧГПУ

ISSN: 2618–9682; ISSN 1997-9886
Impact factor RSCI: 0,312

BACK TO ISSUE CONTENT | HERALD OF CSPU 2020 № 5 (158) Psychological sciences
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DOI: 10.25588/CSPU.2020.158.5.015
UDC: 151.8: 378
BBC: 88.52: 74.48
Natalya Valentinovna Butenko ORCID
Professor of the department of theory, methods and management of preschool education, South-Ural state humanitarian-pedagogical university, associate professor
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A. A. Bogatyrev ORCID
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Informatics, Information Technologies and of the techniques of teaching Informatics, South-Ural state Humanities-Pedagogical university
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Introduction. The article substantiates the psychological foundations of the variability of distance learning formats in higher education in the structure of the formation of students' professional activities, including a high level of intellectual activity, activity, independence and creativity; provides an overview of legislative acts on the availability of distance learning and the main ideas of researchers on the problem of high-quality assimilation of educational knowledge in the context of distance learning. The purpose of the article is to identify the psychological foundations of the variability of distance learning formats in higher education.

Materials and methods.The main research methods are the analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature, generalization of pedagogical experience, E. Shostrom's self-actualization test (block of attitude to cognition: scales of cognitive need and creativity), personality questionnaire of R. Cattel (scale B: intelligence), testing (skills: subject , educational and intellectual; skills, degree of training).

Results.The variability of distance learning in higher education based on a qualitative change in the educational process in the context of digitalization is provided by the mechanisms for the formation of intellectual maturity and the activities of students based on the basic properties of intelligence (tiered, combinatorial, procedural, regulatory).

Discussion.It is emphasized that the variability of distance learning formats in higher education ensures the formation of a student in the image of "I" - a professional in the complex: a high level of intellectual maturity, consciousness, activity, independence and reflection for the successful development of the content of education.

Conclusion.  The article reveals the psychological foundations of the variability of distance learning formats in higher education during a pandemic.


Distance learning; Higher education; Variability; Universality; Intellectual maturity; Self-knowledge; Self-awareness; Activity; Experience; Reflection; Systemic sign-creation; Abilities; Independence; Students


1) The variability of distance learning formats in higher education is characterized by an innovative focus and openness to new qualitative changes, which is ensured by a high level of student independence and the disclosure of the potential of the individual (self-regulation, experience, reflection, creativity, etc.);

2) The psychological foundations of the variability of distance learning in higher education are: intellectual maturity, self-knowledge and self-awareness, activity, experience, reflection, independence;

3) The effectiveness of variability is manifested in the qualitative development of the content of education in optimal conditions of differentiation and individualization of distance learning based on updating the content of educational interaction between teachers and students within the framework of coordinated actions, providing intellectual, individual and psychological assistance to students.